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Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, Mexican; Social anthropologist and ecologist, Research professor at National University of Mexico UNAM/ CRIM in Cuernavaca; she was funding Secretary General of the Colegio de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala (Mexico), the first holder of the MunichRe Chair on Social Vulnerability at UNU-EHS in Bonn and Coordinator of the National Network for Water Research in Mexico (RETAC-Conacyt). Today she coordinates with jointly the affected people of the River Yautepec Basin a project for an integrated basin management. With social participation, social movements, NGOs and scientists she is promoting a participative General Water Law in Mexico that grants people the basic human right to safe water.


2022 2021 2020
2018 2017 2016
2014 2013
2006 2005 2004

New Book published in 2021

Úrsula Oswald Spring, M. del Rocío Hernández Pozo, Margarita Velázquez Gutiérrez (coords.) (2020). Transformando al mundo y a México. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030, CRIM-UNAM, JP Eds., México, ISBN 978-607-30-3246-9.

Part 1 Introduction:


Part VI Conclusions:

Oswald Spring, Úrsula, Hans Günter Brauch (2021) (eds.). Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene, Springer Nature, Cham.
Book in Spanish: 50 years of interdisciplinary research
Oswald Spring, Úrsula (2021). Reconceptualizar la seguridad y la paz: Una antología de estudios sobre género, seguridad, paz, agua, alimentos y alternativas, Cuernavaca, CRIM-UNAM.
Oswald Spring, Úrsula y Anita Breuer (2020) no reportado por salir en 2021. Agenda 2030 y nexos entre seguridad de agua, energética y alimentaria: el caso de Huexca, Morelos, Veredas, UAM, no. 40, pp. 61-93.



New Book published in 2018

APESS Vol 24

Oswald Spring, Ursula and Serrano Oswald, Serena Eréndira (Eds.): Risks, Violence, Security and Peace in Latin America - 40 Years of the Latin American Council of Peace Research (CLAIP)

ISBN: 978-3-319-73807-9 (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-3-319-73808-6 (EBook)
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73808-6 _ (add chapter no.)

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New Book published in 2016

HEXA-GON Series Vol 10

Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Jürgen Scheffran (Eds.): Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace 10 (Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2016).

ISBN: 978-3-319-43882-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-319-43884-9 (Online)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43884-9

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Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Juliet Bennett, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald (Eds.): Addressing Global Environmental Challenges from a Peace Ecology Perspective (Cham–Heidelberg– New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2017).

ISBN: 978-319- (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-319- (EBook)
Doi: 10.1007/978-319-_ (add chapter no.)

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Úrsula Oswald Spring, Hans Günter Brauch, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald, Juliet Bennett (Eds.): Regional Ecological Challenges for Peace in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia Pacific (Cham– New York – Heidelberg – Dordrecht – London: Springer International Publishing, 2017).

ISBN: 978-319- (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-319- (EBook)
Doi: 10.1007/978-319-_ (add chapter no.)

More on this book
Order this book on Springer Website

New Book published in 2015

Latest published Books

En Espaniol


America Latina

Please download the Spanish book here (in Spanish Only)
[Libro final]

English translation of the book title

Latin America on the Road towards a Sustainable Peace:
Tools and Contributions


Chinese Edition of Selected Chapters published by Nanjing Press Company
With the financial support for the translation of
the Nanjing Peace Museum in Nanjing


Hans Günter Brauch,
Úrsula Oswald Spring,
Czeslaw Mesjasz,
John Grin,
Liu Cheng (Eds.):

Globalization and
Security in the
21st Century

ISBN: 978-7-5533-0731-2
Nanjing Press Company,
Nanjing, China,
February 2015,
348 pages

Hans Günter Brauch,
Úrsula Oswald Spring,
Czeslaw Mesjasz,
John Grin,
Liu Cheng (Eds.):

Facing Global
Environmental Change:
Environmental, Human,
Energy, Food, Health and
Water Security Concepts

ISBN: 978-7-5533-0652-0
Nanjing Press Company,
Nanjing, China,
February 2015,
364 pages

Hans Günter Brauch,
Úrsula Oswald Spring,
Czeslaw Mesjasz,
John Grin,
Liu Cheng (Eds.):

Coping with Global
Environmental Change,
Disasters and Security
Threats, Challenges,
Vulnerabilities and Risks

ISBN: 978-7-5533-0656-8
Nanjing Press Company,
Nanjing, China,
February 2015,
406 pages

In Spanish

Úrsula,Oswald Spring, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald, Fátima Flores Palacios, Maribel Ríos Everado, Hans Günter Brauch, Teresita Ruiz Pantoja, Carlos Lemus Ramírez, Mónica Cruz Rivera (2013). Vulnerabilidad Social y Género entre Migrantes Ambientales, CRIM-DGAPA-UNAM Cuernavaca. ISBN: 978-607-02-5890-9.

Reseña: La migración inducida ambientalmente (MIA) es un proceso complejo que está influido por factores económicos, sociales, culturales, demográficos, políticos y ambientales. Este libro analiza teórica y empíricamente la MIA en el transecto desde el Popocatépetl, pasando por los valles centrales hasta la Sierra Madre del Sur, en la parte central de México. Generalmente, las teorías sobre la migración enfatizan en los aspectos económicos, sociales y demográficos en el lugar de origen o destino y pocas veces incluyen elementos ambientales.

El libro examina de manera multidisciplinaria los factores de expulsión, de atracción y de mediación que llevan a una persona, familia o comunidad a emprender el camino hacia otro destino y su punto nodal se centra en la interrelación entre los aspectos ambientales, agroproductivos, comunitarios y psicosociales.

La discusión teórica de la MIA se ordenó a partir de tres ejes centrales: migración y desarrollo; migración y ambiente; y migración y seguridad. La MIA está sujeta a componentes temporales de largo alcance, como los impactos del cambio ambiental global y del cambio climático, a situaciones y políticas de mediano plazo, en las que predominan las políticas económicas de apertura comercial mediante el Tratado de Libre Comercio con América del Norte, y a coyunturas, entre las que destacan los eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos, las cíclicas crisis económicas y los cambios en la política social y rural sexenal. Al conjuntar los factores interactuantes de la MIA, se encontró una doble vulnerabilidad: la ambiental y la social.

Este libro colectivo hace ver que una política compleja que integre factores estructurales de largo, mediano y corto plazo podría reducir la migración ambientalmente inducida y crear condiciones de seguridad humana, de género y ambiental en el medio rural, no sólo en Morelos, sino en México y más allá.


Republication of a book chapter as chapter 1 in the following Handbook

Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch:
“Securitizing Water”, in: H. G. Brauch, Ú. Oswald Spring, J. Grin, C. Mesjasz, P. Kameri-Mbote, N. Chadha Behera, B. Chourou, H.Krummenacher (Eds.):
Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts
(Berlin – Heidelberg – New York: Springer-Verlag, 2009): 175-202
Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch:
“Securitizing Water”,
in: Anders Jägerskog, Ashok Swain,
Joakim Öjendal (Eds.):
Water Security (4 vol. set), vol. 1:
Water Security - Origin and Foundations
(London: SAGE Publications, November 2014): 1-44

New Book published in 2014

Ursula Oswald Spring; Hans Günter Brauch; Keith G. Tidball (Eds.): Expanding Peace Ecology: Security, Sustainability, Equity and Peace: Perspectives of IPRA’s Ecology and Peace Commission 1. SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace, vol. 12. Peace and Security Studies No. 2 (Cham – Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2014).

ISBN (Print): 978-3-319-00728-1
ISBN (Online/eBook): 978-3-319-00729-8
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00729-8

More on this book
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  • Addresses linkages between sustainability, transition and sustainable peace
  • Focuses on peace, environmental education, community-based ecological restoration and ability expectation
  • Underlines the need to combat trafficking of women and children by transnational crime rings in Nigeria, a national security threat

This book has peer-reviewed chapters by scholars from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, and the USA that were presented to the Ecology and Peace Commission (EPC) of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) in November 2012 in Japan. The chapters address these themes: Expanding Peace Ecology – Peace, Security,Sustainability, Equity, and Gender; Two Discourses on Global Climate Change Impacts:From Climate Change and Security to Sustainability Transition; Peace Research and Greening in the Red Zone: Community-based Ecological Restoration to Enhance Resilience and Transitions Toward Peace; Social and Environmental Vulnerability in a River Basin of Mexico; Mobile Learning, Rebuilding Community Through Building Communities, Supporting Community Capacities: Post Natural Disaster Experience; Transforming Consciousness through Peace Environmental Education; Building Peace by Rebuilding Community; Ability Expectations and Peace and on Satoyama Sustainability and Peace.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Community Capacities - Ecological Restoration - International Trafficking - Peace Building and Education - Peace Research - Security - Sustainability Transition - Sustainable Peace

Related subjects » Social Sciences - Sustainable Development

Scientific Network on Water : RETAC, National Council of Science
and Technology (CONACYT)

Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidiscipinarias (CRIM)
National University of Mexico (CRIM-UNAM),
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias UNAM
Av. Universidad s/n Circuito 2, Colonia Chamilpa. Cuernavaca, Mor. 62210 México

Tels : 52 (777)328-18-28; 329-18-30; 329-18-33

Fax : 52 (777)317-5981


Keynote Addresses and Presentations


27 October 2022

XXXForoNacional de Política Exterior
La política exterior de México frente a la crisis global y
la reconfiguración hegemónica

Amenazas y seguridad internacional en la política exterior mexicana


24. October 2022
Santiago, Chile

Desafíos socioambientales y culturales para enfrentar la crisis climática


Video of the conference (in Spanish)
Seminario Internacional: Estrategias para enfrentar la crisis climática

The presentation of Ursula Oswald Spring starts at 1:32:42 and ends at 1:59:15


19. October 2022, CRIM UNAM

Seguridad global frente a la pandemia por la COVID-19


3. October 2022
Auditorio Raúl Bejar, CRIM UNAM

Capitalismo y Crisis Socioambiental


12. September 2022

Retos de Sustentabilidad en un Mundo complejo y de Post-COVID


18 July 2022, CRIM-UNAM, Senado de la República

La Crisis del Aqua de México


17 March 2022, Cancún, Quintana Roo

Igualdad de género hoy para un mañana sostenible
(Gender Equity for a Sustainable Tomorrow)


15 March 2022, Miacatlán/Mazatepec, Morelos

Cambio climático, género y economía del cuidado
(Climate Change, Gender, and Economy of Care)


10 March 2022, IIJ-UNA

Degradación ambiental y violencia de género
(Environmental Degradation and Gender Violence)


9 March 2022, BUAP, Puebla

Ambiente, cambio climático y género en el Antropoceno
(Environment, Climate Change and Gender in the Anthropocene)


8 March 2022, ICAyCC-UNAM

Género y cambio climático (Gender and Climate Change)


8 March 2022, Facultad de Estudios Superiores, Zaragoza, CDMX

Cambio climático, salud y género (Climate Change, Health and Gender)


20 January 2022, CRIM PINCC UNAM

Género y cambio climático en México
(Gender and Climate Change in Mexico)



7 August 2021, UNAH-CRIM-UNAM,
12º Congreso de Investigación para la Paz, CLAIP

Paz Engendrada, Transformadora y Sustentable para una
Nueva Normalidad: Conferencia de clausura

6 August 2021, UNAH-CRIM-UNAM,
12º Congreso de Investigación para la Paz, CLAIP

Seguridad y paz humana, de género y ambiental (HUGE) con nexos
en seguridad alimentaria, hídrica, energética, de salud y de biodiversidad


22 July 2021, FLACSO

La transición y la seguridad energética en México:
¿hay rutas claras y expeditas?


18 June 2021, Conferencia Magistral, 20 Años de El Colegio de Tlaxcala,
en Coloquio Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente y Sustentabilidad, Tlaxcala

Patriarcado y neoliberalismo generan destrucción socioambiental,
desigualdad de género y cambio climático


5 June 2021, Cuernavaca, México

Sustentabilidad y paz en América Latina con crecimiento
poblacional, cambio climático y abuso de recursos naturales


1 June 2021, International Organization of Migration y
Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona

Social inequality and environmental-induced migration in Mesoamerica
(Mexico and Central America): who is left behind?


14 May 2021, IER-UNAM, Temixco

Cambio climático, agua, energía y sustentabilidad
con igualdad desde las ciencias sociales


29 April 2021

Presentation of the Book

Transformando al mundo y a México
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030

Justicia, bienestar, igualdad y paz con perspectiva de género




18 March 2021, Red Nacional de Agua, Santiago, Chile,
conferencia magistral

Agua y Derechos Humanos


14 March 2021, IER-UNAM, Temixco

Café Científico: Cambio climático, agua, Río Yautepec, transición energética
y sustentabilidad con igualdad. Visión desde las ciencias sociales


8 March 2021, Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y
Recursos Naturales de Hidalgo, Pachuca

Retos del desarrollo sustentable con igualdad de género y pandemia


1 March 2021, Comisión de Derechos Humanos,
Colegio de Biólogos, Fac. de Biología-UAEM, Cuernavaca

Mujeres y niñas empoderadas para consolidar la ciencia


10 February 2021, Perth University, Australia

Environmental Degradation, Climate Change, and Mass Violence:
Intersections with Gender Confirmación


22 January 2021, Closing conference, Saltillo, Coahuila

Atrévete al compromiso, Seminario internacional:
Re-imaginando la Sustentabilidad y la Educación #EDS2030



28 May 2020, Bilbao

Retos de seguridad y paz con igualdad y sustentabilidad ante las amenazas socioambientales nuevas


16 May 2020

Cómo salvar al planeta Tierra y no morir por el COVID-19

21 April 2020

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Learning from Distinctions: Climate Change and COVID 19



15-16 May 2018, Panama City, Panama

Inter-American Development Bank

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Climate Resilience from Bottom-up: Gender and Indiginous


4 May 2018

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Development and Regional Government Desarrollo y Gobierno Regiona


27 April 2018

Mexico City, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM
Auditorio Ricardo Flores Magón, FCPS,

[XLIII International Coloquio of Spring Graciela Arroyo Pichardo.
Global Society, Systemic Crisis and Construction of Alternatives:
Round Table on International Security, Complex threats, Risks and Conflicts,
Auditorium Ricardo Flores Magón, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM]

XLIII Coloquio Internacional de Primavera Graciela Arroyo Pichardo:
Sociedad global, crisis sistémica y construcción de alternativas,
Mesa: Seguridad Internacional, amenazas complejas, riesgos y conflictos

Úrsula Oswald Spring

“Seguritizar la seguridad internacional, amenazas complejas, riesgos y conflictos”
[Seguritizing international security, complex threats, risks and conflicts]


18-21 April 2018

5th Congress of Social Researchers about Water (RED-ISSA)
V Congreso de la Red de Investigadores Sociales Sobre el Agua (RED-ISSA)
and Colegio de San Luis Potosí
Agua, ciudades y poder


18 April 2018

Úrsula Oswald Spring


El agua: ¿un bien común o una mercancía? ¿Beneficios de mega-obras para quién?
[Water: a common good or merchandise? Benefits for whome with mega-works],

(Powerpoint and paper)


12 April 2018

Berlin, Germany

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Frieden- und Konfliktforschung (AFK)

German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies

50 years of German Association for Peace and Conflict Research
Úrsula Oswald Spring, Secretary General of IPRA

Úrsula Oswald Spring
Address of the IPRA Secretary General on its 50th anniversary in Berlin, 12 April 2018
Podcast at


21 March 2018

Salzburg, Austria
Schloss Leopodskron Salzburg

Global Seminar, 70th Birthday
Climate Change, Conflict, Health and Education:
Targeting Interdisciplinary Research to meet
the Sustainable Development Goals

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Research into Action:
Shaping Evidence Based Policy to Address the SDGs:
Mechanisms for Change:
The Hydrodiplomatic Political Approach Programme



22 November 2017

Universidad des San Pablo, Tucuman, Argentina

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Human, Gender and Environmental Security
[Seguridad Humana, de Genero y Ambiente]


27 October 2017

Tlaxcala, Mexico

Centro Vacacional La Trinidad,

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Contaminación y salud humana y ambiental en los ríos Zahuapan y Atoyac

[Pollution and human health in the rivers Zahuapan and Atoyac in Tlaxcala and Puebla]


23-26 October 2017

Workshop, National Institute of Petroleum (IMP), Mexico City, Mexico

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Políticas de seguridad energética sustentable con perspectiva de género y
gobernanza participativa: retos de investigación y formación

[Policies of sustainable energy security with gender perspective and
participative governance: challenges for research and training]


17 October 2017

Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico

Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Presentación de la Revista: Gestión Pública de Riesgos por Desastres

[Journal Presentation: Public Management of Risks for Disasters]


Carlos Reta Martínez
President of INAP

Carlos Valdés González
Director General of CENAPRED

Úrsula Oswald Spring
Research Professor at the Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM) of UNAM

Rogelio Conde García
Director General de Vinculación Innovación y Normatividad en
Materia de Protección Civil Secretaria De Gobernación
[General Director of Innovation and Normativity in Civil Protection from the Ministry of Interior]


Úrsula Oswald Spring

5 October 2017

Institute of Juridical Research (IIJ-UNAM)

Mexico City, Mexico

Género y comunidades indígenas ante el cambio climático

[Gender and Indigenous Communities facing Climate Change]


5 October 2017

Institute of Economic Research (IIEc-UNAM)

Mexico City, Mexico

Seguritización de la soberanía alimentaria y agricultura orgánica
ante la incertidumbre del TLCAN

[Securitization of food sovereignty and organic facing the uncertainty of NAFTA]




7th National Research Congress on Climate Change

Objetivo: Analizar la vulnerabilidad de la comunidad internacional y de México ante el cambio climático, los desastres asociados al mismo y la multiplicación de amenazas que trae consigo el fenómeno a la estabilidad mundial, con miras a impulsar crear sociedades resilientes y sostenibles que garanticen no sólo la adaptación al cambio climático y la seguridad nacional y global sino la seguridad humana.

Objective: Analyse the vulnerability of the international community and of Mexico to climate change, associated disasters and the multiplicity of threats posed by extreme events, with a view to promoting the creation of resilient and sustainable societies that guarantee not only adaptation to climate change and national and global security, but also human security.

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Senate, 4th of October, 2017, Mexico City

La seguridad climática: Retos para México y el mundo

[Climate Security: Challenges for Mexico and the World]

Full programme


18 September 2018

University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Managing Human and Natural Disasters: Strategies, Opportunities and Challenges for IPRA

Invitation and Powerpoint


25 August 2017


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Collaborative Leadership: Women in the 21st Century


23 August 2017

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Transition to Sustainability: From a Gender Perspective


9 August 2017

Mexico City, Mexico

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Human Right for Natural Resources


26 June 2017

Do you want Rivers without Pollution?


15 June 2017

Mexico City

Úrsula Oswald Spring

System of Clean Water and Monitoring of Water Quality


14 June 2017

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Energy Security and Governance in Mexico

English and Spanish


7 June 2017

Atlacholoaya, UNICAM

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Peace and Nonviolence: 40th Anniversary of CLAIP and
the Youth facing Opportunities of Change


16 May 2017

Spanish Embassy in Colombia

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Socio-environmental Aspects from a Gender Perspective
on Adaptation to Climate Change


27 April 2017

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Climate Change from a Gender Perspective


13 March 2017

Cuautla, Morelos

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Contaminación y abatimiento de acuíferos ante la falta
de un manejo integral del agua


10 March 2017

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Perspectiva de género en políticas y programas de sustentabilidad


1 March 2017

Úrsula Oswald Spring
Congreso del Estado de Morelos

Evolución de la investigación de género Presentation


28 February 2017

Cuernavaca, CRIM/UNAM

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Investigaciones desde la perspectiva de género CRIM-UNAM:
Certificación de Funcionarios Públicos


12-14 February 2017

San Jose, Costa Rica

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Seguridad humana, de género y ambiental: una HUGE seguridad

Resolución de Conflictos, Paz y Desarrollo Presentation

Peace Research from an International (IPRA) and
Latin Amerian Peace Research (CLAIP) perspective


11-14 January, Mexico City, Mexico

10th International Congress of the
Latin American Council of Peace Research

Website with Background documentation

Programme of the CLAIP Congress

Prof. Dr. Pablo Gonzalez Casanova (former Rector of UNAM, 1970-1972) and Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring (president of the Xth CLAIP Congress, UNAM, CRIM, Mexico).

Scientific Committee

Keynote address by the Rector of the United Nations University for Peace, Prof. Dr. Francsico Rojas (Chile), San Jose, Costa Rica.

History of CLAIP

Opening session with (from left to right), Diana de la Rua (Argentina, outgoing Secretary General of CLAIP), Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring (president of the Xth CLAIP Congress, UNAM, CRIM, Mexico), Prof. Dr. name (Coordinator Humanidades, UNAM), Prof. Dr. Margarita name (director of CRIM/UNAM), Dr. Serrena Erendira Serrano Oswald (incoming Secretary General of CLAIP).

Video: Inauguration session


Photo after the Opening Session (from left to right), Profesores Nielsen de Paula Pires, Miguel Concha, Luis Alberto Padillo, María Tresa Muñoz, Margarita Veláquez, Francisco Rojas, Diana de la Rúa, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Alberto Vital, Hans Günter Brauch, Howard Richards, S. Eréndira Serrano, Azril Bacal

Major Presentations

Photo of former Secretary Generals of CLAIP (from left to right): Amb. Dr. Luis Alberto Padilla Menendez (Guatemala), Diana de la Rua (Argentina), Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring (Mexico), Dr. Laura Balbuena (Peru), prof. Dr. Nielsen de Paula Pires (Brazil).

Video: Panel, Secretary Generals of CLAIP

Videos of the 10th CLAIP Conference (11-14 January 2017)

Page of Youtube

11 January 2017

12 January 2017

13 January 2017

14 January 2017


11 January 2017

Úrsula Oswald Spring

El Consejo Latinoamericano de investigación para la Paz:
historia y nuevos retos de paz y seguridad

Video: History of CLAIP, Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring

Private Dinner of Key Conference Participants in Coyoacan, Mexico City, 15 January 2017.



26th IPRA General Conference
Conflict Prevention, Post-Conflict Transformation, and
the Conflict, Disaster Risk and Sustainable Development Debate

27th November – 1st December 2016
Freetown, Sierra Leone

28 November 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring


Climate-smart agriculture and a sustainable food system:
Towards a sustainable- engendered peace

29 November 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Disasters, Development and Conflict Risk Reduction

11 November 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Faculty of Medicine-UNAM Seguridad y violencia de género


11 November 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Faculty of Economy




8-10 November 2016



Úrsula Oswald Spring




5 November 2016

Villahermosa, Tabasco

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Seguridad energética y gobernanza


28-30 October 2016,

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Úrsula Oswald Spring


Human Dimensions of Climate Change
(Dimensões Humanas das Mudanças Climáticas Presentation)


27 October 2016 Mexico City, Xalapa

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Manejo Participativo de la Cuenca del Río Yautepec


21-22 October 2016

Jalapa, Veracruz

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Manejo integral del agua y riesgo eficiente


19 October 2016

Mexico City, Facultad de Medicina

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Seguridad de salud, prevención y desastres ante el cambio climático


Cuernavaca, Morelos

5 October 2016


Úrsula Oswald Spring


Conferencia: Paz sustentable con perspectiva de género


Mexico City,

4-6 October

Úrsula Oswald Spring


Antropoceno, crisis alimentaria, crisis del agua, deterioro del suelo y
crisis agrícola en México


25-26 July 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring


Megalópolis y conflictos socioambientales


22 July 2016


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Cambio climático, desastres, seguridad humana y protección civil en México


8 July 2016

Foro Cultural Quetzalcóatl, Xochimilco

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Cambio climático y seguridad humana con agricultura y
alimentación sustentables

14 June 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Agua, ambiente y género en Morelos


6 June 2016

Úrsula Oswald Spring


La seguridad humana ante el desastre climático que nos amenaza


1 June 2016

Tlaxcala, Mexico

Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicos de la UNAM

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Retos del Desarrollo Regional durante el Antropoceno


27-30 May 2016

New York, NY, USA

LASA: Latin American Studies Association: 50 years

Úrsula Oswald Spring

CRIM-UNAM, Mexico, Program: Equity and Gender

Environmental-induced migration in Mexico:
A conceptual and empirical approach

26 May 2016

Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicos de la UNAM

Dr. S. Eréndira Serrano Oswald and Dr Úrsula Oswald Spring

Conceptos de Seguridad:
Seguridad humana, de género y ambiental

18 May 2016

Mexico City, Mexico

LXIII Legislative Period, Parliament of Mexico
Joint meeting of the Senate and House of Deputies
10th Anniversary of the Law on the
Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Climate Change and Energy Security


17 May 2016

Mexico City, Mexico
UNAM, School for Social Work

Seminary on
Social Vulnerability and Risks in Disasters

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Human, Gender and Environmental Security in the
Context of Double Vulnerability


16-19 of March 2016


International Studies Association Atlanta,
United States of America

Sustainable-engendered peace in the Anthropocene

16-19 of March 2016


International Studies Association Atlanta,
United States of America

Workshop: Bridging the Conceptual and Theoretical Divides
on Peace and Peacebuilding

17 March 2016

Georgia State University
Troy Moore Library
25 Park Place, 23rd Floor

Peace research from a feminist and bottom-up perspective


9 of March 2016

2nd International Congress on Climate Change and AIDIS

Mexico City, Mexico

Agricultura climáticamente inteligente y sustentable
con soberanía alimentaria en México (AACI)

[Climate-smart agriculture and sustainable food in Mexico]


9 of March 2016

Mexico City, Mexico

Aída Viridiana Vargas Zavala, Úrsula Oswald Spring y Leonor Patricia Güerca

El Paradigma de la Sustentabilidad y la Energía Eólica en México
[The Paradigm of Sustainability and Wind Energy in Mexico]


8 of March 2016

Federation of Mexican University and Women Museum
Mexico City

International Womens Day

Cambio climático, doble vulnerabilidad y género
[Climate change, dual vulnerability and gender]

Impacto del cambio climático en agua con una perspectiva
de género y a partir de la doble vulnerabilidad

[Impacts of climate change in water with a gender perspective
and from the dual vulnerability point of view]



Auditorio Raúl Bejar Navarro

Federation Mexana de Universitarias
[Mexican Federation of Female Academics]

Feminismo, Cambio Climático y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable
[Feminism, climate change and sustainable development goals]

30 of November


[20. National Meeting on Regional Development in Mexico,

Asociación Mexicana de Ciencias para el Desarrollo Regional, A.C.
[Mexican Association of Science for Regional Development, C.A.]

Cambio climático e impacto en el agua en México
[Climate change and impact in water]

Cuernavaca, 19 of November


Course on Climate intelligent agriculture and food

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Cuajimalpa, D.F.
[Metropolitan Autonomous University, Cuajimalpa, D.F.]

Cambio climático y agricultura climáticamente inteligente
[Climate change and climate-smart agriculture]

Cuernavaca, 19 of November


Migración ambientalmente inducida y doble vulnerabilidad
[Environmental induced migration and dual vulnerability]


Cuernavaca, 18 of November


¿Crisis de la globalización? Los derechos humanos y
la nueva agenda de investigación en migración

18 y 19 de noviembre de 2015

Auditorio del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la UNAM

[Second Colloquium of National Autonomous University of Mexico
on Migrant Studies Crisis of globalization? Human Rights and New Agenda]

Migración ambiental y doble vulnerabilidad con enfoque de género
[Environmental migration and dual vulnerability with a gender approach]

Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald y Úrsula Oswald

18 of November, 2015

[Institute of Economic Research-UNAM, Mexico City]



Miami, United States and Caribbean Islands

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Climate Change 2014. Human Security, Water and Food Security

Training for Journalist

12 of November 2015



Miami, United States and Caribbean Islands

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Human Security at Threat

Climate Change 2014. Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

12-13 of November 2015


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Cuernavaca, 6 of November, 2015

Fray Luca Pachioli, Colegio de Arquitectos y de Ingenieros

Adaptación, mitigación y resiliencia ante el cambio climático
[Adaption, mitigation and resilience to climate change]


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Cambio Climático y Antropoceno: Impactos en Morelos
[Climate change and Anthropocene: Impacts in Morelos]

5 of November 2015

Cuernavaca, Museo de Ciencias de Morelos
[Cuernavaca, Museum of Science in Morelos]


Tikal, Guatemala

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Hacia una paz positiva, estructural, sustentable y
engendrada para América Latina

[Towards a positive, structural, sustainable and
engendered peace in Latin America]

Guatemala City, 27 of October, 2015

FLACSO-Guatemala; Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Guatemala


Úrsula Oswald Spring

CLAIP ante el Reto de una Paz Holística en América Latina
Latin American Council for Peace Research (CLAIP)
challenged towards a holist peace in Latin America]

Guatemala City, 27 of October 2015

FLACSO-Guatemala ; Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Guatemala


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Presentación del libro: América Latina en el Camino hacia
una Paz Sustentable. Herramientas y Aportes

[Book Presentation: Latin America on the Road towards
a Sustainable Peace: Tools and Contributions]

Guatemala City, 28 of October 2015

FLACSO-Guatemala; Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Guatemala


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Cambio Ambiental Global, Desastres y Vulnerabilidad Social Global
[Environmental Change, Disasters and Social Vulnerability]

Cuernavaca, 16 of October 2015

Universidad Fray Luca Pachioli; University Fray Luca Pachioli, Cuernavaca


27-28 August 2015


Managua, Nicaragua

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Impactos, adaptación y vulnerabilidad en Centro y Sudamérica

[Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in Central and South America]


27-28 August 2015


Managua, Nicaragua

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Historia del cambio climática desde Centroamérica y Sudamérica

[History of climate change seen from –central America and South America]


26 August 2015


Mexico City, Mexico

Úrsula Oswald Spring

¿Cómo desarrollar capacidades para consolidar la ciencia regional y
la comunidad científica en América Latina?

[Capacity Building for Local Science and Research Community:
How to develop capacities to consolidate regional science
and scientific community in Latin America?]


26 August 2015


Mexico City, Mexico

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Impactos por el cambio climático en México,
Centroamérica y América del Sur: Grupo de Trabajo II

[Impact of climate change in Mexico, Central American
and South America: Working Group II]


26 August 2015


Mexico City, Mexico

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Cambio Climático 2014 Impactos, Adaptación y Vulnerabilidad:
Hallazgos Principales

[Climate change 2014. Impacts, Adaptation and Vulernabilidad:
Principal Results]


25 August 2015

Foro on Poverty. The Results of Coneval

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Pobreza y servicios de agua y saneamiento en Morelos

Poverty and water and sanitation services


19 August 2015

University Autonomous of the State of Morelos (UAEM)
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Ambiente, recursos naturales y género en Morelos

Environment, natural resources and gender in Morelos


9 July 2015

Legislative Palace, Congress of the Union

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Conflictos (¿socio?) ambientales en México

Socio-environmental conflicts in Mexico


18 June 2015

IPCC, Thompson Reuter, Mexico City

Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability


Presentación del Libro

20 May 2015 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research (CRIM-UNAM),

Presentation of the Book edited by

Úrsula Oswald Spring, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald, Fátima Flores Palacios,
Maribel Ríos Everado, Hans Günter Brauch, Teresita Ruiz Pantoja,
Carlos Lemus Ramírez, Mónica Cruz Rivera (2013).
Vulnerabilidad Social y Género entre Migrantes Ambientales,
CRIM-DGAPA-UNAM Cuernavaca, 2015.


15 May 2015

Oaxtepec, Morelos, Mexico

Congreso de Psicología y Transdisciplinariedad
[Congress of Psychology and Transdisciplinarity],

Úrsula Oswald Spring

La complejidad en la construcción de la psicología:
un diálogo de saberes

[Complexity in the construction of psychology: a dialogue of knowledge]


22 April 2015 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research (CRIM-UNAM),

Presentation of the Book edited by Fátima Flores Palacios

Social Representations and Contexts of Research from a Gender Perspective


21 -22 April 2015,

Mexico City, D.F., Mexico

Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIEc-UNAM)
[Economic Research Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico]

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Desastres: desde una perspectiva de género
[Disasters from a Gender Perspective]


AFPREA Conference,

Abuja, Nigeria, 13-15 April 2015

The Quest for Peace and Security in Africa:

Socio-cultural, Economic, Political and Legal Considerations

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Commission 6: Regional Integration and Resource Control for Equity

What is the Hidden Agenda of the World Economic Forum
with the Security Nexus?

Wednesday, 15 April 2015 (Plenary)

Sustainable peace through regional integration and
equitable resource control



9-10 April 2015

Santiago de Chile, Chile

The Contribution of the Human Security Approach
to the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Ursula Oswald Spring

This session highlighted how the human security approach advances comprehensive solutions
that ensure coherence, improve local capacities and sustain political commitment
to address the risks associated with climate change and natural disasters

Climate Change and Disasters: A Threat to Human Security


Thursday, 26 March 2015

Nikolaus Kistner Gymnasium, Mosbach, Germany

Klimawandel, Naturkatastrophen, Gender und soziale Verwundbarkeit

Source: Private, NKG, Mosbach

Rhein-Neckar Zeitung, Monday, 20 April 2015

Stadt-Anzeiger, 23 April 2015


16-18 March 2015

Montpellier, France

Climate Smart Agriculture


Keynote speakers

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Parallel session L3.4: Climate-smart landscapes, watersheds and territories

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Climate Change Impacts in Watershed Management, Forest and Agriculture
in the Yautepec River Basin in Mexico

Montpellier Statement
Climate-Smart Agriculture: Towards Sustainable landscapes
and Food Systems Mobilizing science for transitions


Thursday, 12 March,

United States of Mexico, Chamber of Deputies

Hearing on the New Water Law

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring

Dra. Úrsula Oswald Spring CRIM-UNAM

Fourth Special Session of the Committee on
Science and Technology (CST S-4) and
UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference

9-12 March 2015, Cancun, Mexico

Programme (overview)

Full programme

Úrsula Oswald Spring’s contributions

Monday, 9 March 2015, 16:00-18:00

Workshop 1.2: Environmental and ecological set up

Poster 1:

Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 11:00-13:00

Workshop 2.4: Knowledge and knowledge transfer (Facilitator)

Workshop facilitator Ursula Oswald Spring, Professor at the Regional Multidisciplinary Research Centre, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and workshop rapporteurs Patrice Burger, Centre d'actions et de réalisations internationales (CARI), and Bernard Hubert, Chair of the STK4D consortium and President of Agropolis International, Montpellier, France, Photo © ENB, Canada

Workshop 2.5: Desertification, land degradation and restoration

Poster 2 (with Hans Guenter Brauch)

Hans Günter Brauch, Peace Research and European Security (AFES-PRESS).
Photo © ENB, Canada

Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 15:00-16:00

Session Chair: Mariam AKTHAR-SCHUSTER, Member of the SAC,
Member of the UNCCD Science - Policy Interface (SPI)
Coordinator of the Advisory Board of DesertNet International

Session Chair Mariam Akhtar-Schuster, SAC and SPI Member, Coordinator of the Advisory Board of DesertNet International, CST Chair Uriel Safriel, Emeritus Professor of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and Sangeeta Shama, UNCCD Secretaria. Photo © ENB, Canada

Keynote speech:

Úrsula OSWALD SPRING, Professor at the
Regional Multidisciplinary Research Centre,
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) – Mexico

The role of local knowledge in addressing land degradation,
desertification and drought

Ursula Oswald Spring presented the keynote speech for the session.
Photos © ENB, Canada

Reporting by Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB), Canada


Monday, 16 February 2015

Nayarit, Nayarit, Mexico

15-18 February

Fund for Environmental Education

Keynote speech:

Professor at the Regional Multidisciplinary Research Centre,
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) – Mexico

Cambio climático, seguridad hídrica y régimen hidrológico



15-21 December 2014

Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg Global Seminar

Gender and climate change


4 December 2014

Presentación del Libro
[Book launch)

Ursula Oswald Spring

Serrena Erendira Serrano Oswald


27 November 2014

UNAM,Centro de la Ciencìa de la Atmosfera (CCA)
UNAM, Centre for Atmospheric Science (CCA)

Doble vulnerabilidad, migración ambientalmente inducida y mitigación
[Dual Vulnerability, environmentally induced migration and Mitigation]


20 November 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelos

UAEM, Cuernavaca – Auditorio Emiliano Zapata

1er Simposio Mexicano de restauración de Ecosistemas
[First Mexican Seminar on Ecosystems Restauration]

Manejo integral de la cuenca del Río Yautepec
[Integrated Management of the Yautepec River Basin]


3-7 November 2014

Antigua, Guatemala

Educational Centre of the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala

Cambio climático y desarrollo: Retos del V informe del IPCC
[Climate Change and Development: Challenges of the Fifth IPCC Assessment Report]


23 October 2014

Amacuzac. Morelos, Mexico

Ciclo de conferencias organizadas por el CCTEM y COBAEM
[Conference Series organized by the Centre for Science and
Technology of Moreles and the National Organization of High Schools]

Retos del agua en Mexico
[ Water Challenges in Mexico]


20 October 2014

Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Seguridad y cambio climático
[Security and Climate Change]

La Ciencia del Cambio Climático en México
[Climate Change Research in Mexico]


17 October 2014

Mexico City, DF

Ven y convive con los investigadores
[Come and join the researchers]

Reflexión acerca de la seguridad, el ambiente, el género,
la violencia, la discriminación y la paz engendrada


9 October 2014

Ixtlahuaca, State of Mexico

Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, Edo Mex
[University of Ixlahuaca (CUI), Ixlahuaca, State of Mexico]
IX Congreso Internacional
[IX International Congress]
La seguridad como derecho fundamental en el contexto de la globalización
[Security as a fundamental right in the context of globalization]

Reconceptualización de la seguridad: Desarrollo sostenible y sustentable
[Reconceptualization of Security and Sustainable Development]


2-4 October 2014

Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico

Universidad de Guadalajara
[University of Guadalajara]
Segundo congreso nacional ciudadanos y sustentabilidad del agua en México
[Second national congress: Citizens and sustainable water in Mexico]

Gobernanza del agua [text 17]
[Water Governance]


20 September 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Museo de la Ciudad de Cuernavaca
[Museum of the City of Cuernavaca]
Seminario VI Seguridad Humana
[Sixth Seminar on Human Security]

Seguridad humana y seguridad de género
[Human and Gender Security]


18 September 2014

Tetela del Vólcan, Morelos, Mexico

Ciclo de conferencias organizadas por el CCTEM, CBTA
[Conference series organized by two local high schools]

Género, discriminación y vulnerabilidad para mujeres y hombres
[Gender, discrimination and vulnerabiltiy for women and men]


8 September 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Primer cátedra vulnerabilidad social

Seguridad ambiental
[Environmental Security]


25th IPRA General Conference
on the Occasion of 50th Anniversary of IPRA

Uniting for Peace: Building Sustainable Peace Through Universal Values

in cooperation with


Istanbul, Turkey
10-14 August 2014

13 August 2014

Engendered and sustainable peace with resilience building

War, Patriarchy and gender with Betty Reardon’s Lens

12 August 2014

Systematic model of water management for conflict resolution
with people and nature


6 August 2014

Frankfurt, Germany

World International Studies Conference (WISC),
4th Global International Studies Conference 2014

Interpreting socioeconomic and climate induced migration in Mexico


8 July 2014

Where? Cambio climático y vulnerabilidad socio-ambiental
[Climate Change and social and environmental vulenrabiltiy]


26 June 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Seminario de gobierno y políticas públicas
[Seminar on government and Public Policy]

Seguridad, cambio ambiental y gobernanza
[Security, environmental change and governance]


20 June 2014

Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico

Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
[Independent University of Sinaloa]

Seminario internacional Gestión Racional del agua
como palanca de desarrollo sustentable
[International Seminar on Rational Water Management
for Sustainable Development ]

Modelo integral de manejo del agua [text 9]
[Model for an integrated water management]


12 June 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelsos, Mexico

DIF Morelos
[Department for Family Development in Morelos]

Riesgos ante inundaciones en Morelos: el caso del río Yautepec
[Risks of flash floods in Morelos: the case of the River Yautepec]


30 May 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelos
Consejo de cuenca del río Balsas
[Council of the Balsas River Basin]
Comité de cuenca del Río Yautepec: 6° Sesión ordinaria
[Comittee on the Yautepec Revier Basin, 6th ordinary Session]

Riesgos ante fenómenos hidrometeorológicos extremos:
inundaciones y sequías
[Risks of hydrometeorological extreme events: Floods and droughts]


24 May 2014

Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

VII Congreso internacional de administración, contaduría,
mercadotecnia, gestión empresarial y negocios
[Seventh International Congress on Adminsistration, Accounting,
Market Techniques, Environmental Management and Business]

Metodología de resolución de conflictos en organizaciones, globalización y
población trabajadora. Un reto para México

[Methodology of Conflict Resolution in Organizations,
Globalization, Working Population: A Challenge for Mexico]


23 May 2014

México, DF

The International Water Association (IWA)

Integrated Yautepec river basin management with reduction of
water related carbon footprints


International Congress, Adaptation Futures 2014 Third International Conference on
Climate Change & Adaptation in
Fortaleza (Ceará), Brazil, 12-16 May 2014

12 May 2014

Sustainable adaptation in the water sector through systematic,
dissipative, and open water management including a
perspective water law in Mexico (Keynote)


4 April 2014

Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Género, desarrollo y sustentabilidad: herramientas teórico-metódicas
para el estudio de la crisis socioambiental

Seguridad humana, de género y ambiental
[Gender, Development and Sustainability Theoretical and
methodological means for the study of the socio-environmental crisis
Human, gender and environmental security]


25 March 2014

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiappas, Mexico

4to Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales (COMECSO)
[Fourth National Congress of Social Sciences (COMECSO)]

Vulnerabilidad ambiental y social en la migración inducida ambientalmente
[Environmental and Scoial vulnerability in the environmentally induced migration]


19 March 2014

Buenos Aires, Argentina

2do Congreso regional del consejo latinoamericano
de investigación para la paz (CLAIP)

[Second Regional Congress of the of the Latinamerican
council for Peace Research]

Paz positiva, sustentable, culturalmente diversa y engendrada
[Positive, sustainable, cultural and engendered peace]


9 February 2014

Merida, Yucatan, Mexio

Debates y desafíos feministas en los estudios de género;
representaciones sociales e interculturalidad
[Debates and feminist challenges in gender studies,
social representation and interculturality]

Seguridad de género ante el cambio ambiental global


17 January 2014

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University


Buddhism, Economic Ethics and the Ideal World of Gift Economy


8 January 2014

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn Universit
Consortium, MAIDS

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management



18 December 2013

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University

Asian Research Center for Migration (ARCM);
Institute of Asian Studies (IAS),
Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA)
International Labour Organization (ILO);
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Labour Rights Promotion Network (LPN)

Migration in the Context of Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Model for ASEAN


9-13 December

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University
Social Research Institute (CUSRI),

Winter School:
Transformative Social Sciences for Sustainability and Social Justice

13 December 2013
Teaching and integrating PhD and Post-doctoral programs:
Developing transformative social sciences

12 December 2013
Integrated systemic knowledge

11 December 2013
Debate on gift economy and ecofeminism

10 December 2013
Social, economic, political and cultural deadloks

9 December 2013
Peace in a sustainable context, en Transformative Social Sciences for
Sustainability and Social Justice


2 December, 2013

Mahasarakham, Thailand
Mahasarakham University

Challenges for Transformative Social Sciences:
The Glocal Connectedness


29 November, 2013

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University

School of Engineers

Typhoon Haiyan: Losses and Tears in the Philippines


25 November 2013

Doha, Quatar

SAH Annual conference,
Role of community participation in watershed management-
Implications for policy and research

Social sciences and sustainability transition in water, energy and
environment, Qatar’s cross-cutting research challenges


14 November 2013

Bangkok, Thailand

Expert Consultation Workshop on Land tenure and disaster and
its social and gender impact in the Asia and the Pacific Region

Overview of gender and land tenure issues in the event of
a disaster Land tenure and disaster and its social and gender impact
in the Asia and the Pacific Region

The proceedings are at:


5 November, 2013

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University

Master in International Development (MAIDS)

Climate change security


14-18 October 2013

Mexico, D.F.,
PINCC-UNAM, Programme of Research in Climate Change
Tercer Congreso Nacional en Investigación en Cambio Climático:
El Futuro de la Investigación del Cambio Climático en México

Cambio climático, vulnerabilidad social y
ambiental y migración ambientalmente inducida


14 October 2013

Chulalongkorn University
Kasetart University
Bangkok, Thailand

Resilience from bottom-up. A community approach


10 October, 2013

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University

Master in International Development Studies (MAIDS)
Environmental Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability


17 September 2013

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University

Cluster research project proposal


9-10 September 2013

Bangkok, Thailand
Chulalongkorn University
Saranites Conference Room, Main Auditorium 2nd Floor

Internationalization of Sociology in Thailand:
Synergy to World Congress of Sociology

Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Chulalongkorn University
National Research Council of Thailand, Sociology Commission
Chula Global Network (CGN)
Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute (CUSRI)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Chulalongkorn University

Challenges for Transformative Social Sciences:
The Glocal Connectedness Internationalization of Sociology in Thailand:
Synergy to World Congress of Sociology


25-28 of August, 2013

Pattaya, Thailand
World Conference on Health Promotion, IUHPE

Climate Change and Food Systems: An Integrated Health Security


14-16 of August 2013

Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (ISS)
Congreso de Migración

Vulnerabilidad ambiental y social en la migración inducida ambientalmente


20-21June 2013

University of Agder, Norway
International Conference
Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads:
Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?

Climate change, migration and security from
a local view and with a gender perspective

Panel Session, University of Adger
Conflict or cooperation on climate change?


17 June 2013

México D.F.
Unidad de Seminarios
Fundación Ramón Beteta Quintana A.C.,

El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo ante una «gran» Seguridad


6-8 June 2013

Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico,
III Encuentro Internacional de Investigación en Estudios de Género


7 June 2013

Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico,
III Encuentro Internacional de Investigación en Estudios de Género

Cambio climático, riesgos y vulnerabilidades desde
una perspectiva de género


4 June 2013

Cuernavaca, Morelos,
CRIM, UNAM, Auditorio
Foros participativos:
Hacia la construcción ciudadana de una Ley de Desarrollo Social
para el estado de Morelos

FORO 1: Visiones Locales y Regionales del Desarrollo Social Sustentable


4 June 2013

Cuernavaca, Morelos,
CRIM, UNAM, Auditorio
Foros participativos:
Hacia la construcción ciudadana de una Ley de Desarrollo Social
para el estado de Morelos

Vulnerabiliad social y ambiental


27 May 2013

México D.F.,

Seguridad Humana y Cambio Climático


16 May 2013

Consejo de Cuenca del Río Balsas:
Comité de Cuenca del Río Yautepec: 5ª Sesión Ordinaria
Dr. Ignacio Sánchez Cohen, INIFAP and Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring

Análisis de una cuenca hidrológica y su modelación


10 April, 2013

Mexico D.F.,
Cámara de Diputados, LXII Legislatura, H. Congreso de la Unión

Ley sustentable del agua, agua potable y saneamiento en México


3-6 April 2013

San Francisco, California, USA
International Studies Association, ISA
Panel 2: Migration Theories and Approaches:
Bringing the Environment

Interpreting Environmentally- and Climate Induced Migration in Mexico


3-6 April 2013

San Francisco, California, USA
International Studies Association, ISA
Panel 3: Theories of Sustainability Transition:
Perspectives from Europe and Latin America

Sustainable transition from bottom-up with a gender perspective.
Cultural transition changes


2 April 2013

San Francisco, California, USA
International Studies Association, ISA
ISA Sponsored Workshop
Sustainability Transition with Sustainability Peace:
Policy Initiatives of Governments and International Organizations

Sustainability Transition: Case of a River Basin in Mexico


13 March 2013

Mexico City
Cámara de Diputados, LXII Legislatura, H. Congreso de la Unión,
conferencia magistral

Situación del agua en México


4 March 2013

Mexico City
Fac. de Arquitectura
Teatro Carlos Lozo

Gestión sustentable del agua


25-27 February 2013

Bonn, Germany


"Perspectives on Loss & Damage:
Society, Climate Change, and Decision Making”
Location: UN Campus in Bonn, Germany

26 February 2013

Loss and damages


20 February 2013

Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Consejo Ciudadano de Desarrollo Social, 20 de febrero,
conferencia magistral

Gestión socio-ambiental sustentable del Río Yautepec


20 February 2012

Mexico City, D.F.

Coloquio: Política, Economía y Gestiòn del Agua en México
IIEc, Red del Agua, CRIM, IG, II, CIGA, FCPyS, FE-UNAM

El Agua como Factor Crítico del Desarrollo Regional



Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine

Perspectives on the Intersection of Sustainable Development, Equity,
and Social Justice: Environmental Perspectives


7 December 2012

UAM Rectoría General, México D.F
Tercer Congreso Nacional de la Red Temática del Agua, Conacyt –

Bienvenida y organización del congreso

Soberanía alimentaria ante la crisis socio-ambiental presente


6 December 2012

Mexico, D.F., UNAM, CEIICH

Mecanismos que favorecen o dificultan la participación en
los sistemas de estímulo y reconocimiento

Género y estímulos: una meritocracia trunca


30 November 2012

CLACSO, México, D.F.

Presentación de Libro:
Cambio Climático, Movimientos Sociales y Políticas Públicas


IPRA Global Conference 2012

IPRA Global Conference
‘Peace and Justice in a Globalized World: Opportunities & Challenges’
Tsu City, Mie University, Japan

24-28 November 2012

Plenary 1: ‘A better world is possible: Prof. Dr Ursula Oswald Spring (Mexico),
former President José Ramos-Horta (East Timor, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1995)

Welcome and Introduction to EPC programme

“Leading by obeying”:
An approach based on the Zapatist caracol (shell) model for
peaceful justice in a globalized world: opportunities and challenges

Post-Rio+20: Sustainable Development with Sustainable Peace.
A Challenge for the 21st Century

Sustainable Peace during a Sustainable Transition


9 November 2012

CLACSO, México, D.F., Casa de la Imprenta

Cambio climático, movimientos sociales y políticas públicas en America Latina

Presentacio del libro de Julio Postigo et al.


6 November 2012

Tlayacapan, Mor., Mexico

Presidencia municipal

Modelo matemático de riesgos en la Cuenca del rio Yautepec


23-26 October 2012

Buenos Aires, Argentina

IPCC, Working Group II. 3rd Lead Author Meeting


22 October 2012

Buenos Aires, Argentina

IPCC, Pre-Session Workshop

Extreme Events in Latin America and Social Vulnerability


16-17 October 2012

Seminario Nacional de Investigación en Cambio Climático

Soberanía alimentaria ante la crisis socio-ambiental presente

Retos de la seguridad alimentaria y superación de la
vulnerabilidad social ante el cambio climático en México


8 October 2012

Bonn, Germany

Climate Change

Climate change, social vulnerability and resilience

Bonn, Germany

Deutsche Welle

From social vulnerability to building resilience
in the context of climate adaptation


5 October 2012

Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico
Instituto Federal Electoral, Curso modular

Conciliación noviolenta de conflictos


4 October 2012

Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico
Instituto Federal Electoral, Curso modular

Derechos humanos y paz


30 September 2012

Mexico, D.F.

Género y Cambio ambiental

Seguridad de salud


26 September 2012

Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico


Género, salud y cambio climatico


22 September 2012

Atlacholoaya, Mor.. Mexico
Universidad Campesina del Sur

Agricultura orgánica y organización social


19 September 2012

Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal, México D.F.
Foro Seguridad Humana: Una apuesta imprescindible Mesa 1:
Reflexiones y perspectivas teóricas de la Seguridad Humana

Historia de la seguridad humana y reconceptualización de la seguridad


17 September 2012

México D.F.

Foro de Intercambio de lecciones aprendidas y recuperación de
aprendizaje sobre participación social en la gestión de cuencas

Cuenca del Río Yautepec

Gestión socio-ambiental participativa en la cuenca del río Yautepec


10-13 September 2012

Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico

Fourth Sustainability Revolution and Sustainable Peace:
Visions and Strategies for Long Term Transformative Change to
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century

Goals of the workshop on sustainability transition

After Rio+20: Scientific Concepts and Policy.
Context for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Peace:
Two Contested Scientific Concepts and Policy

Sustainability Transition in a River Basin in Mexico
Presentation/ Podcast


31 August 2012


Presentación del libro: Retos de la investiga-ción del agua en México


27 August 2012

Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Conciencia de género para superar las amenazas del antropoceno


25 August 2012

Comité de Cuenca del Río Yautepec

Evaluación de los Avances en el Comité de Cuenca y compromisos cumplidos


24 August 2012

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Río Yautepec

Poster del Río Yautepec


24 August 2012

Cuernavaca, Mor.
Universidad Campesina del Sur

Salud prevfentiva y cambio climatico,
Conferencia en el modulo sobre Medicina Tradicional


21 August 2012

México D.F.
Plan Nacional Hídrico

Agenda del Agua 2030, Plan Nacional Hídrico, Plan Nacional de
Desarrollo y Programación y Presupuesto


20 August 2012

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la UNAM
Coloquio de Ciencia, Género e Intelectualidad

Conciencia de género para superar las amenazas del antropoceno


15 August 2012

State of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Consejo Brasileira de Ciencia y Tecnología, Sao Paulo

The IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events
and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation

Disaster Risk Management in the Region of Latin America: Chapters 5 to 8


1 August 2012

México D.F.
El Agua un Derecho Humano

Seguridad del Agua y Derechos Humanos


24 July 2012

Ejido de Yautepec
Comité de Cuenca del Río Yautepec

El Río Yautepec: retos y riesgos


23 July 2012

Cuernavaca, Morelos
Reunión Técnica sobre reforestación con tecnologías modernas

Río Yautepec


18-19 July 2012

México D.F.

UNFCCC technical workshop on water and
climate change impacts and adaptation

Climate change impacts on water resources, livelihoods,
related sectors and ecosystems

Session 3: Assessment of climate change impacts on water resources, and on related sectors and ecosystems
presentation one and two


22 June 2012

Universidad Autónoma de Morelos, Xochitepec
Desarrollo sustentable

Cambio climático y desarrollo sustentable


12-15 June 2012

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development

Water security

Global Environmental Change and Transition to Sustainability

The IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events to
Advance Climate Change Adaptation


12-15 June 2012

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio +20

The IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events to
Advance Climate Change Adaptation

Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters
to Advance Climate Change Adaption (SREX)


1 June 2012

México D.F.

Reflexión sobre Rio más 20 Cambio climático y sustentabilidad


30 May 2012

Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias
Tendencias contemporáneas de los estudios de género

Conflictos naturales y seguridad de género


14 May 2012

El Colegio de México (COLMEX), México D.F.
Seminario sobre cambio climático, agua y medio ambiente

Vulnerabilidad Socio-Ambiental y seguridad del agua


7 May 2012

Mexico, D.F.. OECD
Gobernanza del agua

Seguridad del agua en el antropoceno


4 May 2012

Colima, Colima, Mexico
Gobierno del Estado de Colima
Un Gobierno Amigable con el Medio Ambiente

Agua, recursos naturales y género en la sustentabilidad


26 April 2012

IIEc-UNAM, México D.F.
Huella hídrica

Seguridad del agua


25 April 2012

Colima, Colima, Mexico
Universidad de Colima
Coloquio de Género y Medio Ambiente

Agua, género y sustentabilidad


25 April 2012

México D.F.
Análisis de la política hídrica en México

Cuencas y acuíferos


17 April 2012

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Foro de Ciencias, Derechos y Seguridad Humana,
Cátedra de UNESCO sobre la Paz

Seguridad humana en el antropoceno


9-10 April 2012

Bogotá, Colombia
2do Congreso Regional SRA-LA, De la Prevención a la Atención

Reducción de Riesgos por Desastres y Resiliencia Social:
Superando la Discriminación, la Vulnerabilidad Social y
los Desastres en el Mundo y México



ISA’s 53rd Annual Convention
San Diego, USA, 1-4 April 2012
Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition

All papers my be downloaded by ISA members at
ISA archives for San Diego Conference in 2012

Panel SD 54: Sunday, 1 April 2012, 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Climate Change, Environmental Stress, and
Conflict Sponsor: Environmental Section


Salehyan, Idean: University of North Texas
The PEISOR Model: Global Environmental Change – A Human, Gender and Environmental (HUGE) Security Perspective Focusing on Mexico
  Brauch, Hans Günter: AFES-PRESS
Oswald Spring, Ursula: National University of Mexico

Panel: MA26: Monday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Climate Change, Environmental Migration,
Sustainable Energy and Security Theory


Brauch, Hans Günter: AFES-PRESS

Schreurs, Miranda: Free University of Berlin
Dalby, Simon: Carleton University

Global Environmental Change and Environmental-Induced Migration
  Oswald Spring, Ursula: National University of Mexico


29 March 2012

Chilpancingo, Guerrero
Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Posgrado de Ciencias Sociales

Presentación de Libro: Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México


28 March 2012

Foro Campesino sobre la Problemática del Campo
Ex-Hacienda de Chinameca
Plan de Ayala para el Siglo XXI: Nuevo Pacto para el Campo

Crisis ambiental y manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales en
el contexto territorial


22 March 2012

Lago de Chapala,
Jalisco Red de Investigadores Sociales del Agua

Red Temática del Agua Conacyt. Un esfuerzo colectivo de análisis
presentation one and two


17 March 2012

Colima, Colima, Mexico

Presentación de Libro: Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México


16 March 2012

Seminario: Género y cambio climático

Género, salud y cambio climático


14 March 2012


INEGI-UAM, Seminario Internacional de Información, Estadística y
Geografía para el manejo del agua en México,
Rectoría General
Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México

Presentación de Libro]


8 March 2012

Mexico, D.F., Mexico, UAM

Cultura sustentable del maíz: una seguridad humana, de género y
ambiental: una gran seguridad


8 March 2012

Casa de la Ciencia, UAEM, Cuernavaca
Nacimiento del Maíz, Consideraciones sobre la Biotecnología

Cultura Sustentable del Maíz: una seguridad humana de género y ambiental


7 March 2012

Mexico, D.F., Mexico
Sala de Rectoría General de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Seminario Internacional Información Estadística y Geografía para el mejor manejo

Análisis sistémico del agua


7 March 2012

Mexico City
Red de Investigadores Sociales Sobre Agua (Red-ISSA)

Presentación de Libro: Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México


5 March 2012

Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
Consejo de Cuencas del Río Balsas, Puebla

Presentación de Libro: Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México


1 March 2012

Colima, Colima, Mexico
Museo Universitario Fernando del Paso
Universidad de Colima
Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México

Presentación de Libro


29 February 2012

Chapala, Jalisco
2do Congreso de la Red de Investigadores Sociales sobre el Agua

Presentación de Libro: Retos de la Investigación del Agua en México


25 February 2012

Institución Universidad de California del Sur (USC), Los Ángeles California
Water Diplomacy on the Ground Water

Diplomacy: A Foreign Policy Imperative


23 February 2012

Congreso de Cuencas, México D.F.

Book Launch:
Water Resources in Mexico Retos de la investigación del agua


9 February 2012

Las Políticas Públicas del Agua en la Región del Valle de México
FES-Acatlán UNAM - Edo, México

Book Launch -
Presentación de Libro Retos de la investigación del agua


9 February 2012

CEIICH, México D.F
Nuevos conceptos de seguridad

Seguridad humana, de género y ambiental: una gran seguridad


25 January 2012

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, México D.F
Séptimo Seminario de Actualización en Genética: Genética y Salud

Bioética, genética y Salud



1 December 2011

Red Temática el Agua, CONACyT (RETAC)
Riviera Maya, Redes Temáticas Conacyt

Evaluación de la Red Temática del Agua, Conacyt


29 November 2011

Educar sin excluir: Modelos de aprendizaje,
Conferencia magistral,
Universidad Nacional Pedagógica, Unidad Tlaxcala

Education without exclusion: models of learning


24 November 2011

U. de Colima, Conferencia Magistral

Género y Ambiente en la Era del Cambio Ambiental Global [Text 1]


November 2011

Políticas públicas en relación a género y ambiente




Global Environmental and Climate Change Perspectives from Latin America and Europe (in German)

Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring
PD Dr. Hans Günter Brauch

Mosbach, Thursday, 27 October 2011


Announcement, Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 19 October 2011 (in German)

Presentation by Prof. Oswald Spring and Dr. Brauch (in German)

Report in Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (31 October 2011, in German)

Photo Gallery with photos by
Carmen Oesterreich (DHBW) and Ursula Brinkmann (RNZ)

Mosbach Rathaus

Photo by Ursula Brinkmann, RNZ Mosbach


DHBW Mosbach

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, 19:00 Uhr
Studium Generale

Global Environmental and Climate Change
Perspectives from Latin America and Europe (in German)

Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring (Mexico): Global Environmental Threats: A Perspective from Latin America for a sustainable future (in German)

PD Dr. Hans Günter Brauch (Mosbach): Global climate change, political changes in the Arab world and change in energy policy in Germany: perspective for a sustainable development in the Mediterranean (in German)

Report: DHBW Website (in German)

Announcement on the Website of the Organizer



Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Warsaw School of Economics

The Seminar was held on 25 October 2011, at 17.00, Main Building, Warsaw School of Economics, ul. Niepodległosci 162, Warsaw, Poland


Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Żukrowska, Head, International Security Department, Introduction
PD Dr. habil. Hans Günter Brauch, Reconceptualization of Security in the Early 21st Century
Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, Water and Food Security in the 21st Century


Monday, 24 October 2011


Cracow University of Economics

Cracow, 24 October 2011, 14.00
Senate Room, Cracow University of Economics, Rakowicka 27

Cracow University

Opening session with the Vice Rector for Scientific Research of the Cracow University of Economics, Prof. Dr. hab. Andrzej Malawski and Prof. Dr. hab. Czeslaw Mesjasz (moderator), PD Dr. hab. Hans Günter Brauch, Free University of Berlin and Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Centre for Regional Multidisciplinary Studies (CRIM), Cuernavaca.


Assoc. Prof. dr hab. Czesław Mesjasz, Management Process Departmnent, CUE
Dr. habil. Hans Günter Brauch, Free University of Berlin: Reconceptualization of Security in the Early 21st Century
Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, National Autonomous University of Mexico: (UNAM): Water and Food Security in the 21st Century

Photo Gallery



22 October 2011

YO, Juventud México 2011
Centro Banamex

Cuarta Revolución de Sustentabilidad



Thursday, 20 October 2011, 18:00

Berlin, Foreign Ministry


Introduction: Dr. Otto Lampe, Representative for United Nations, Foreign Ministry
Dr. Martina Fischer, Deputy director, Berghof Conflict Research, Berlin

Presentation of the volume from the perspective of the editors and authors

Comments from a Scientific Perspective

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska, Director, IFSH, Excellency Cluster CliSAP, University of Hamburg, head, German Peace Foundation


Mexico City, 17 October 2011

Cambio Climático y Migración Afecta la Securidad Humana [text 6]


Dresden, 12-13 October 2011


International Conference on
Integrated Water Resources Management

Management of Water in a Changing World:
Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives

Maritim Hotel & International Congress Center


13 October, Plenary Session, 9:00-11:00

Úrsula Oswald Spring (National University of Mexico):
Global Environmental Change and Integral Water Resource Management:
Lessons Learnt from a Mexican Perspective


5 October 2011

Tlaxcala, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

Frente al Caos una „Gran“ Seguridad


Mexico City, 27 September 2011, 19:00-23:00

Book Launch and Reception at the
German Embassy, Mexico City, 27 September 2011

Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and
Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks

Presentations by

Dra. Estela Morales, Coordinadora de Humanidades [Vice Rector], UNAM
Dr. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Prof. Em., El Colegio de México
Dra. Úrsula Oswald Spring, CRIM-UNAM, editor
Dr. Hans Günter Brauch, Universidad Libre de Berlin, editor


Hamburg, Germany, 24-24 September 2011

University Hamburg

Limits to the Anthropocene
International Symposium


24 September 2011

15:00 Concluding Panel Discussion:
The Anthropocene, Its Limits and the Way Forward

Chair: Mike S. Schäfer, KlimaCampus, University of Hamburg


Paul J. Crutzen
Shenggen Fan
Hartmut Graßl
Peter Hennicke
Úrsula Oswald Spring
Christine von Weizsäcker

22 September 2011

18:00 Public Lecture

Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate,
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz:
“Climate in the Anthropocene”

Commentary by Úrsula Oswald Spring,
National Autonomous University of Mexico
From the Holocene to the Anthropocene:
Changing Relations Between the Earth and Humankind


Mexico City Verbania, Lago Maggiore, Italy,
21 September, 2011

Book Launch by Úrsula Oswald Spring

Hexagon VII


Mexico City, World Trade Centre

World Water Forum, UNESCO and Conagua

Cambio climático, organización social,
equidad de género y superación de pobreza


25 August, 2011 [CIDHEM]

Cambio climático y Seguridad Nacional


24 August, 2011

Mexico City, UNAM, Programa Universitario del Agua
Seguridad de agua y cambio ambiental global



Third World International Studies Conference,
Porto, Portugal from 17-20 August 2011

The World in Crisis:
Revolution or Evolution in the International Community?

Panel: Responding to Climate Change in the Anthropocene:
Security Impacts and a Needed Fourth Sustainable Revolution

Úrsula Oswald Spring
Cultural Change and Fourth Sustainable (Green) Revolution

Other papers by

Powerpoint by Hans Günter Brauch:
Implementing Climate Change Commitments:
Sustainability Revolution, Changes in Worldviews and Mindsets

Paul J. Smith:
Geopolitical and security challenges of climate change
for US national security



28 July 2011

Gestión del agua, conflictos e hidrodiplomacia


25 July 2011

Cuernavaca, Las Quintas

Red Temática del Agua (RETAC): Reunión FP7


23 July, Mexico City

Fundación Ayú

Los Jóvenes ante el Cambio Climático en México


17 June 2011

Yautepec, Casa Ejidal

Mi Río Yautepec:
Gestión socio-ambiental sustentable


31 May - 1 June 2011, San Luis Potosí

San Luis

El Papel de la RETAC y sus Tareas en la Investigación del Agua


15 May 2011

Quito, Ecuador

Migración Ambiental, Vulnerabilidad y Género en México:
el Caso de Campesinos en el Estado de Morleos


29 April 2011

Juitepec, IMTA

Celebración del Día Mundial del Libro en el IMTA


Book Launch of

hexagon 5

Mexico City, 28 April, 11:00

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Facultad de Ciencias Politícas
Sala Fernanda Benitez



Prof. Dr. Ignacio Carriquiriborde, UNAM, Facultad de Ciencias Politícas
Dr. Clemente Rueda, UNAM, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera
Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring
Adj. Prof. Hans Günter Brauch (version Español, English version)

Moderatora: Prof. Dr. Bodek Stavenhagen


31 March 2011


Mexico City


Seguridad Humana, de Género y Ambiental (HUGE)


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


Launch of the Book

Investigación Feminista, epistemología-metodología y
representaciones sociales

Comment by Úrsula Oswald Spring


28 March 2011

Mexico City


Desastres, Cambio Ambiental Global y Vulnerabilidad Social


25 March 2011

Mexico City


Seguridad o Soberanía Alimentaria: Un Reto para el Futuro



La Red Temática del Agua (RETAC) frente a la Cultura del Agua


23 March 2011

New York, United Nations


Book Launch, 1:15 - 2:45
United Nations Headquarters,

44th and 1st Avenue, Conference Room 8

Website of UNU-ONY for additional information

Website of AFES-PRESS for full event documentation and background texts

Text of Speeches and TV Podcasts

Speech by Úrsula Oswald Spring and Podcast

Speech by Hans Günter Brauch and Podcast

Photo Gallery


Montreal, Canada

ISA Annual Convention 2011

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 16-19,
2011 Global Governance: Political Authority In Transition

Panel with a Book Launch

WB63: Wednesday, 16 March, 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Panel: Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security:
Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks

Hans Günter Brauch: Introduction (Powerpoint)

Ursula Oswald Spring: National University of Mexico: Towards a Fourth Green Revolution
PowerpointPaper on ISA websiteBook chapter at SpringerLinkBibliography

Photo Gallery

Website of AFES-PRESS for full event documentation and background texts


15 March 2011

Programme for ISA workshop at Montreal

Sheraton Le Centre Hotel, Salon 3, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Gendered Peace: The Problematique of Gender Analyses in Peace Research

Ursula Oswald Spring: National University of Mexico:

Human, Gender and Environmental Security: A HUGE security


Ottawa, Canada

14 March 2011

Department og Geography

The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies,
the Centre for European Studies (European Union Centre of Excellence)
at Carleton University,
and the British High Commission in Ottawa

Monday, March 14th, 2011, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
British High Commission, 80 Elgin Street, Ottawa

Book Launch & Reception

Powerpoint Presentation by

Úrsula Oswald Spring, CRIM - UNAM, Cuernavaca


Hans Günter Brauch, Free University of Berlin, Co-editor

Website of AFES-PRESS for full event documentation and background texts


14 March, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.l, A220 Loeb

Department og Geography

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies and
Centre for European Studies (European Union Centre of Excellence)

Invitation Flyer

Seminar on
Environmental Change, Security and Migration:
Towards Sustainable Transformation

Presented By

Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring
Research Professor, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias
CRIM - UNAM, Cuernavaca

Migration: A Complex Analytical Process

Dr. Hans Günter Brauch
Chairman, Peace Research and European Security Studies (AFES-PRESS)
Mosbach, Germany
Editor, Hexagon Series on Human, Environmental Security and Peace

Global Environmental Change
Environmental Hotspots in North Africa and in Mexico
Proactive Policies towards a Sustainabe Transformation:
A DESERTEC Vision for North America & NAFTA


8 March 2011


Mexico City, CONACYT

¿Qué es la La Red Temática del Agua (RETAC)?
Objetivos de la Reunión de Concertación

7 March 2011

Cuernavaca, CRIM-UNAM

Ambiente y Sociedad:
Estrategias Multidisciplinarias de Investigación de Migración
Ambiental y Vulnerabilidad Socio-Ambiental


4 March 2011



Seguridad Humana, de Género y Ambiental:
Una Gran (HUGE) Seguridad


4 March 2011



Aqua y Vulnerabilidad Social:
Retos de la RETAC ante el Cambio Ambiental y Global


2 March 2011


Homenaje al Maestro Raúl Béjar Navarro


24 February 2011

Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

Cambio Climático y Seguridad Ambiental


23 February 2011


Senado de la República

Cambio Climatico y Recursos Hidricos


11 February 2011



Seguridad del Agua y Cambio Climático


IHDP Update Issue 1, 2011


Ursula Oswald Spring

Towards a sustainable
health policy in the anthropocene


In June 2010 Ursula Oswald Spring was chosen by the IPCC
as a lead author of
chapter 12 on Human Security
of Working Group II on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report



26 November 2010

CIDHEM y Casa de la Ciencia,
CEECYT, Casa de la Ciencia, Cuernavaca, Mor

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Hacia una Cuarta Revolución Sustentable


25 November 2010

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana,
Procuraduría Ambiental y del Ordenamiento Territorial (POAT),
Observatorio Ciudadano de la Ciudad de México (OCCM),
Casa Rafael Galván

Encuentro Justicia Ambiental: conflictos territoriales y ambientales

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Recursos naturales, género y conflictos [39]


23 November 2010

Puerta Vallarta

Conacyt: Avances y Cooperación 2010,
Reunión científica de las Redes temáticas del Conacyt

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Red Temática del Agua


17 November 2010

Brussels, Belgium

Commission Women & Development,
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation,
FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Human, gender and environmental security (HUGE)


31 October - 4 November 2010

Hamilton, Canada

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Can Health be Securitized? Global Environmental Change and Health


21-22 October

Stuttgart, Germany

2. Stuttgarter FORUM (Programm)
für Entwicklung, Migration weltweit und Impluse für Entwicklung

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Migration und Klimawandel. Der Fall Mexiko [33]
(Speech in working Group)

Interview with Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk (Podcast)

SWR International in cont.ra
Schwerpunkt: Zweites Stuttgarter Forum für Entwicklung 1. Migration weltweit - Impulse für Entwicklung (Utku Pazarkaya) 2. Eine Milliarde Umweltflüchtlinge? Migration und Klimawandel (Gespräch mit Prof. Ursula Oswald Spring, Nationale Autonome Universität Mexiko, UNAM) 3. Bilanz: Projekt "Vielfal... Datum: 22.10.2010 15:12 • Größe: 11.2 MB

9-15 October

Brussels, Belgium

World March of Women

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Climate change, gender and resource conflicts
Natural Resources and the Risk of international Wars


5 October 2010

Mexico City
UNAM, Auditorio de Humanidades

Secretaría de la Marina y Facultad de Ciencias Políticas

Seminario internacional: ¿Seguridad Amplia o Militarización?

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Conferencista Magistral de Inauguración

¿Seguridad Amplia o Militarización?
Rumbo a una Agenda de Seguridad Nacional para México


2 October 2010

Semarnat-INE, Auditorio, CRIM-UNAM

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Crisis en las fuentes de abastecimiento de agua potable,
cambio climático y vulnerabilidad social


24 September 2010

UAEM, Facultad de Psicología
Foro de Psicología Ambiental

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Ponente Magistral de Clausura,

Cambio climático y vulnerabilidad social:
un reto para las generaciones nuevas y
la investigación humanitaria


22 September 2010

Suprema Corte de Justicia, Cuernavaca, Morelos

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Culturas de Paz y Negociaciones de Conflictos


21 September 2010

Cuernavaca, CIDHEM
2010: crisis ambiental global y biodiversidad

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Morelos del holoceno al antropoceno:
crisis ambiental global y biodiversidad [25]


7 September 2010

Mérida, Yucatan
Primera Reunión Nacional de la Red de Ecosistemas

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Conferencia Magistral (Keynote Speech)
Red Temática del Agua: RETAC [24]


23-25 August 2010

Segundo Congreso Internacional de la
Red Temática del Agua RETAC

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Conferencia Magistral (Keynote Speech):
Seguridad de Agua ante el Cambio Climático

Vulnerabilidad Social en Eventos Hidro-meteorológios Extremos:
Comparación entre los Huracanes Stan y Wilma


6-10 July 2010, in Sydney, Australia

International Peace Research Association

Communicating Peace

Lectures by
Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring (Mexico)

Presentations in Commission Sessions

Securitizing soil: a sustainable peace action

A widening and deepening understanding of gender security [21]

Human, gender and environmental security to deal with
new climate risks and gender vulnerability

Water as a Right and Environmental Need

Presentations in Plenary Sessions

Friday, 9 July 2010 (morning session)
Sustainable Peace for Coping with Global Environmental Change

Podcasts of the IPRA Plenary Sessions
Free Preview of the Session of the Plenary Session of 8 July 2010

Friday, 9 July 2010 (evening session)
IPRA Book launch:
Hexagon book series and the Global Environmental and
Human Security Handbook for the Anthropocene (GEHSHA)

The Fourth Green Revolution



30 June – 2 July 2010

Guest professorship at the Science University of Malaysia (USM), Penang
Center for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS)

Lectures by
Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring (Mexico)

Food Security in the Anthropocene:
A Challenge for Policy Facing Global Environmental Change

Water as an Environmental Security Issue

28 June – 30 June 2010

Programme of Guest professorship at the

28 June

UKM: Roundtable Discussion: Globalisation and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualising Security in the 21st Century



PD Dr. Hans Günter Brauch, FU Berlin, AFES-PRESS, Mosbach, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring,
UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico

UKM (IKON) Book Launch:
Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts

Moderator: Emeritus Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rahman Embong,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia IKMAS Principal Research Fellow

Speakers: PD Dr. Hans Günter Brauch, FU Berlin, AFES-PRESS, Mosbach, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring, UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico

Laudator: Prof. Dr. K.S. Nathan, Institute für USA Studies, IKON, UKM

Book Launch (Animation)

Photo Gallery


30 June 2010

UKM, Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), Seminar

Sustainable Peace for Coping with Global Environmental Change


29 June 2010, 12.00-1.00

Centre for Gender Research

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Gender and Security in the 21st Century


22 June 2010

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco
1er Seminario Internacional Desarrollo Local Sustentable
con Visión Multidisciplinaría, Conferencia Magistral

Úrsula Oswald Spring

La seguridad del agua en el ámbito local


Geneva, IPCC, 17-19 May 2010

Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters
To Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)

Personal Powerpoint Presentation of Úrsula Oswald Spring
(representing only the views of the author)

Hurricane Stan and Wilma in Mesoamerica:
Central America and Mexico

IV Congreso Internacional de Estudios Territoriales
Merida, Spain, 10-14 May 2010

Taller: Reconceptualizar la seguridad:
Segurdiad Humana, de Género, Ambiental, de Agua, Alimentaria

Mexico City, 2 – 5. May 2010

Foro Social Mundial,

Panel General de Economía Feminista y Economía Solidaria

Úrsula Oswald Spring


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA,

26-30, April 2010, Guest Lectures on:

27 April, Auditorium Neil Armstrong

International Programs in Agriculture

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Key Note Speech:
Global Challenges of the XXI Century: Food Vulnerability,
Climate Change and Sustainability

28 April, Gender Studies

Gender Security: A HUGE Challenge

Water Security and Water Research in Mexico

Food Security and Sustainable Development

Environmental Forced Migration: The Mexican Case [5c]

Tepozltan, 17 April 2010

Úrsula Oswald Spring
La Seguridad Humana y Otras Seguridades E Inseguridades

Cuernavaca, UNAM/CRIM, 15 April 2010

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Vulnerabilidad de género ante los retos del cambio ambiental global

See the presentation/Ver presentación

Listen to podcast/Escuchar conferencia

Paris , 29 March - 2 April 2010

Lectures in the

The Master of Public Affairs (MPA)

Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh and Hitomi Kubo
Human Security Concentration Overview Course

Friday, 2 April 2010, 10.15 – 12.15 and 12.30-14.30
Part 1: Food and Water Security with Food Sovereignty
Part 2: Global Change and Health Security


Book launch

Thursday, 1 April 2010, 15.00 - 16.30

Flyer of Invitation in English

Moderator: Chris Brooks, Associate Director for Community Relations


PD Dr. Hans Günter Brauch, FU Berlin, UNU-EHS, Bonn; AFES-PRESS, Mosbach
Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring, UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico, UNU-EHS




Panel, Wednesday, 17 February WA 5, 8.30-10.15

Peace and Security in the Anthropocene
Sponsor(s): Theory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners

Chair Hans Günter Brauch, Free University of Berlin and AFES-PRESS
Discussant: Ronnie Lipschutz, University of California, Los Angeles

8.30-8.35: Chair Hans Günter Brauch, AFES-PRESS:. Introduction and presentation of the speakers

Impacts of Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought (DLDD) on Security Policy in the Anthropocene
8.35-8.50: Hans Günter Brauch
, Free University of Berlin and AFES-PRESS

Assessing and Preventing Climate Conflicts and Security Risks
8.50-9.05: Jürgen Scheffran: University of Hamburg, Geography/KlimaCampus

The Bottom Billion and Climate Change
9.05-9.20: Nils Petter Gleditsch: International Peace Research Institute,
Oslo , Halvard Buhaug: International Peace Research Institute, Oslo,
Åshild Falk: International Peace Research Institute, Oslo.

Towards Sustainable Peace in the Anthropocene
9.20-9.35: Ursula Oswald Spring: National University of Mexico 

9.35-9.50: Discussant: Ronnie Lipschutz, University of California, Los Angeles
9.50-10.15: Discussion

The four powerpoint presentations may be viewed and downloaded here.

The academic papers are available for ISA members only at the ISA paper archives website at: by going to this website of Allacademic.
You must login with your Email address registered by ISA.



10 December, Bern, Switzerland


Book launch of the volume:
Facing Global Environmental Change:
Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health & Water Security Concept
Hexagon Book Series, No. IV (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, 2009)

11:00-13:00 Uhr with presentations, laudatio, discussion and a reception
Swisspeace, Sonnenbergstrasse 17, Bern

11:15 Presentation of the book series and of the volume (Hans Günter Brauch)
11:30 Facing global environmental and climate change (Ursula Oswald Spring)

Interview with Prof. Dr. Oswald Spring, 10.12.2009 with Swiss Radio
DRS4 News (Podcast)

Photos by Lukas Krienbühl, Swisspeace, Bern


9 December, Zürich, Switzerland

Public Lecture, ETH, North-South Centre

Environmentally forced migration and drought in Mexico
Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, National University of Mexico
Wednesday, 9 December 2009, 16:00 – 17:00 h

ETH Zurich, Rämistrasse 101, HG F 33.1
Programme flyer


30 November, Berlin, Germany [in German]

Conference flyer


Press Release

Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, National University of Mexico
Migrantinnen zwischen mehr Lebens-
chancen und größerer Ausbeutung

25 November, Mexico City, Mexico

Presentación de libro: Reconceptualizar la seguridad en el siglo XXI
Úrsula Oswald Spring y Hans Günter Brauch (editores)


19 November, Hamburg, Hamburg University, Germany

Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict
State of the Art and Research Needs

International Conference, KlimaCampus, Hamburg University,
November 19 & 20, 2009

13:30 – 15:00 Parallel session 1 (Grindelberg 5, room 008)
Three appearances by Úrsula Oswald Spring:
A. Environmentally induced migration and population dynamics

Presentation: Climate-induced migration as a security risk and a threat for conflict in Mexico

18:15 – 19:15 Book presentation (ZMAW, Bundesstr. 53, seminar room):
Facing Global Environmental Change:
Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health & Water S
ecurity Concept
Hexagon Book Series, No. IV (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer 2009)
With contributions by: Jürgen Scheffran (Welcome),
Hans Günter Brauch and Úrsula Oswald Spring (Editors),
Heinz-Dieter Jopp (Commentator, Laudator, Critic)
Photos by Felix Bayode Olorunfemi, Ibadan, Nigeria

19:30 Public panel discussion (ZMAW, Bundesstr. 53, room 022/23)
How stable are human societies to climate change?
Úrsula Oswald Spring (CRIM-UNAM, National University of Mexico)

Interview with Tageschau, 19.11.2009, 16.00 News
ARD, First German National Public Television Station


November, 8-14, Panama City, Panama,
Meeting of Lead Authors of a Special IPCC Report on Disasters

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to
Advance Climate Change Adaptation: The Mexican Case

7 November, Universidad de Franca, Brazil,
Global Change and Human Health
1 November, Mexico City, Mexico

Foro de Políticas Públicas del Agua, PUMAGUA
Desarrollo de Capacidades


14 October, Mexico City, Mexico
Miércoles 14 de Octubre de 10:00 a 13:00 horas

El Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales y el
Seminario Permanente de Estudios Prospectivos a través del
Proyecto PAPIME Inteligencia Prospectiva.

Dr. Hans Günter Branch
de la Universidad Libre de Berlín
Dra. Ursula Oswald Spring

25 September
Viernes 25 de Septiembre, 20.00 – 21.00
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
Televisión Canal Tres, Cuernavaca
Entrevista con la Dra. Úrsula Oswald
sobre el libro:
Reconceptualizar la seguridad en el siglo XXI

Viernes 25 de Septiembre

Presentación de Ursula Oswald Spring
Seguridad alimentaria versus soberanía alimentaria en
tiempos de los biocombustibles


23 September, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Miércoles 23 de Septiembre
Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Universidad San Salvador, Facultad de Ecología
Presentación de la Dra. Úrsula Oswald sobre el libro
Nuevas Problemáticas Ambientales

22 September, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Martes 22 de Septiembre
Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Universidad Belgrano, Facultad de Derecho,
Especialización Derecho Ambiental
Presentación de la Dra. Úrsula Oswald sobre el libro
Cambio Ambiental Global, Seguridad Alimentaria y
de Agua en América Latina


América Latina buscando el camino hacia una Paz Sostenible.
Herramientas y aportes 

6-8 September

Cocoyoc, Morelos, México

Evaluación de las Redes Temáticas del CONACYT

Red de Investigación de Agua en México, CONACYT
Cooperación y Evaluación:
Agosto/Septiembre 2009

17-20 de agosto, 2009, Torreón,

Simposium: Manejo comparado de cuencas hidrológicas; incertidumbre climática, vulnerabilidad ecológica y
conflicto social

Presentación de Ursula Oswald Spring

 Cambio Climático y Conflicto Social:
Geopolítica, Diplomacia y Guerra por Agua


19 September 2009

12m Conferencia Magistral de cierre del congreso.

Cambio ambiental global, seguridad alimentaria y
de agua en América Latina

a cargo de la doctora Úrsula Oswald. México

17 September 2009

  6:00pm  Presentación del libro
Reconceptualizar la Seguridad en el Siglo XXI
de la Dra. Úrsula Oswald

1 September 2009

Cuernavaca, Mexico – Mosbach, Germany
Publication of this Spanish Book

Press Releease (70th Anniversary of the Outbreak of World War II)
Reconceptualization of Security in the 21st Century

Noticia de la prensa

Úrsula Oswald Spring y Hans Günter Brauch

Reconceptualizar la
Seguridad en el Siglo XXI

(Mexico D.F., Cuernavaca, Mexico: UNAM/CRIM/CEIICH/CCA
— Mosbach, Germany: AFES-PRESS, 2009)

ISBN 878-392-69-7578-0 888 pages

Book Launch in Mexico

1 September 2009
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México

Sala Manuel M. Ponce, Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca, Morelos

Reconceptualizar la seguridad en el siglo XXI
Úrsula Oswald Spring y Hans Günter Brauch (Editores )



Munich , 29 July 2009, 7-10 pm [in German only]

Climate Change, Water Scarcity and Combating Desertification:
A Huge Challenge for Human, Gender and Envronmental Security

Presentations by Úrsula Oswald Spring

Stuttgart , 24 July 2009, 6-8pm [in Germany only]

Climate Change, Water Scarcity and Combating Desertification:
A Threat to Human Security and Electricity from the Sahara

Presentations by Úrsula Oswald Spring


Podcast at UNU-ONY
Interview of Dr. Jean-Marc Coicaud, director, UNU-ONY,
with Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch

Interviews of Ms. Sydney Kinnear, UNU-ONY with
Úrsula Oswald Spring
and Hans Günter Brauch

United States of America

United Nations, New York, Friday, 15 May 2009

Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring at the Entrance of the UN Headquarters

Live from the CSD

Stakeholders Forum on Sustainable Development -
BBC World Services Trust

Interview with Lucy Malenky ( Kenya) and Úrsula Oswald Spring ( Mexico)

Second Side Event at the 17 th Session of UN-CSD

United Nations, New York, Thursday, 14 May, 6.15-7.45
United Nations Headquarters, 46 th Street and 1 st Avenue, Conference Room 2

Launching of the UNCCD Report
Grounding Security – Securitizing the Ground

Hans Günter Brauch
Úrsula Oswald Spring

UNCCD, May 2009

Securitizing the Ground-
Grounding Security

English version

Úrsula Oswald Spring
Hans Günter Brauch

UNCCD, May 2009

Seguritizar la Tierra
Aterrizar la Seguridad

Spanish version

Powerpoint Presentation by
Hans Günter Brauch and Úrsula Oswald Spring

From left to right: Dr. Hans Günter Brauch (Germany), chairman, AFES-PRESS; Free University of Berlin, UNU-EHS, Bonn; Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring (Mexico), UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca; UNU-EHS, Bonn; Dª. Alicia Villauriz Iglesias ( Spain), Secretary General of Rural Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Rural Affairs, Madrid; Mr. Luc Gnacadja ( Benin), Executive Director, UNCCD, Bonn; Mr. Marcos Montoiro (Spain), Awareness Raising, Communication and Education Unit , UNCCD, Bonn. Photo by: Mr. Sergio Zelaya (Honduras), Policy and Advocacy on Global Issues and Platforms, UNCCD, Bonn.


Photo Gallery of UNCCD Events in New York

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring ( Mexico), UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca; UNU-EHS, Bonn; Dª. Alicia Villauriz Iglesias ( Spain), Secretary General of Rural Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Rural Affairs, Madrid. Photo by: Mr. Sergio Zelaya ( Honduras), Policy and Advocacy on Global Issues and Platforms, UNCCD, Bonn.

First Side Event at the 17 th Session of UN-CSD

New York , Monday, 11 May, 1.15-2.45
United Nations Headquarters, 44th and 1st Avenue, Conference Room 7

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring (Mexico), UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca; UNU-EHS, Bonn; Dr. Hans Günter Brauch (Germany), chairman, AFES-PRESS; Free University of Berlin, UNU-EHS, Bonn; Mr. Achim Steiner (Germany), Under Secretary General of the United Nations, Executive Director of UNEP, Nairobi; Dr. Jean-Marc Coicaud (France), director, UNO-ONY, New York.

Event documentation of UNU-ONY

Event page of AFES-PRESS

Podcast at UNU-ONY

Interview of Dr. Jean-Marc Coicaud, director, UNU-ONY,
with Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch

Interviews of Ms. Sydney Kinnear, UNU-ONY with
Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch

From left to right: Ms. Sydney Kinnear (USA), Junior Professional, UNU-ONY, New York interviewing Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring ( Mexico), UNAM-CRIM, Cuernavaca; UNU-EHS, Bonn.

Podcast at the book launch event with USTREAM

Photo Gallery of the Event at UNU-ONY Website

Photo Gallery of the Event at the AFES-PRESS Website


Bonn , Wednesday, 29 April 2009, 14.00-15.30

World Conference Centre, 53113 Bonn , Görresstr. 15
Room “Süßmuth” at TNT (formerly UNU-EHS)

Book Launch of

Facing Global Environmental Change
Environ­men­tal, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts
Editors : Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Heinz Krummenacher (Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 2009)

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring

29 April 2009, 16.00-17.30

Panel: Responding to Social Challenges of Global Change: Role of Knowledge

Abstracts of session

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
Global Environmental Change (GEC) and Equity:
A Challenge for Food Sovereignty

29 April 2009, 18.00-20.00, Public Event

World Conference Centre Bonn Plenary Hall

Round Table Global Equity, Local Needs

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring

Time: Tuesday 28 April 11:00 - 12:30

Venue: BMZ Nelson Mandela

Global Change and Human Health: Preparedness and Surveillance

Organised by: ESSP Joint Project on Global Environmental Change and Human Health/ GECHH, IHDP Global Change and Human Health Advisory Group and IGU Commission on Health and the Environment
Convenor: Prof. Mark ROSENBERG (co-Chair, ESSP-GECHH), Dr. Thomas KRAFFT (Chair, IHDP Global Change and Human Health Advisory Group)


Susanne WEBER-MOSDORF, Executive Director, WHO Office at the European Union, Brussels,
Prof. Úrsula OSWALD SPRING, Centre for Multidisciplinary Regional Research, UNAM, México (Presentation)
Prof. Xueli E, Dep. of Water Quality Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( China CDC),
Prof. Pim MARTENS, Director International Center for Integrated Assessment & Sustainable Development (ICIS), Maastricht University, The Netherlands - Discussants:
Prof. Brij MAHARAJ, University of KwaZulu, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

, Saturday, 25 April 2009

Game over - Neustart

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
Climate Change as a Security Risk

, Mittwoch, 22 April 2009, 18.00-19.30
im Besucherzentrum des Auswärtigen Amts

Book Launch

Facing Global Environmental Change
Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts

Editors : Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Heinz Krummenacher (Berlin/ Heidelberg/New York : Springer, 2009)

27 March/ 27 de Marzo de 2009

Universidad Marista de Mérida,
Escuela de Administración de Recursos Naturales, Merida, Yucatan
[University Marista of Merida, School of Administration of Natural Resources,
Merida, Yucatan]

Lecture by by Úrsula Oswald Spring in Spanish

Seguridad del Agua: Un Reto ante el Cambio Ambiental Global
[Water Security : A Challenge due to Global Environmental Change]

26 March

UNAM, CRIM; Cuernavaca
Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
Género y Ambiente

5th World Water Forum, 16-22 March 2009

Presentations by Úrsula Oswald Spring

Scientific Network on Water: RETAC, National Council of
Science and Technology (CONACYT)

Thursday, 12 March 2009, Session 56
Human Migration – Geopolitical Conflicts - Climate Security

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
Geopolitical Conflicts and Social Vulnerability of
Environmental Induced Migration in Mexico

50th ISA Annual Convention, New York, 15-18 February, 2009

Panel, Tuesday, 17 February, 2.15-4.00 pm
Facing Global Environmental Change:
Climate Change, Food Sovereignty and Security in the Anthropocene
Co-sponsorsed by ISA Peace Studies Section with Environmental Studies Section
Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
Food Sovereignty

Panel, Wednesday, 18 February, 8.00-9.45 pm
New Security Concepts and Peacebuilding
Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring
HUGE: Human, Gender and Environmental Security

4-6 February 2009/ 4-6 de Febrero 2009
Querétaro, México ,

Primer Encuentro Nacional de las Redes Temáticas CONACYT, Querétaro,
Red de Investigación de Agua en México, CONACYT

[First National Meeting on the Thematic Networks of CONACYT
National Network of Research in Water]

31 January 2009

World Social Forum, Mexico City
Cultural Context to to World Crisis:
Human, Gender and Environmental Security:
The great challenge to human survival
Foro Social Mundia
Contexto Cultural de la Crisis Mundial:
Seguridad Humana, de Género y Ambiental:
Un Gran Reto a la Supervivencia Humana


28 January 2009

Cine Morelos, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Enviornmental Security: A Challenge to Human Survival
Cinéma Morelos, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Seguridad Humana: Un Reto a la Supervivencia Humana

21-23 January 2009, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico

Tríptico sobre la Primer Reunión de la Red Temática del Agua:
Tríptico de la Primera Reunión
Programa definitivo
[First meeting of the Scientific Network on Water (RETAC)
National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)]
Seguridad del agua, conflictos e hidro-diplomacia

13 January 2009

"Feria por la Tierra", Palacio de Minería, Mexico D.F.
Seguridad del Agua y Acuíferos en México
[Water Security and Aquifers in Mexico]



17 – 20 November 2008

III Congreso Internacional Estudios Territoriales
Acapulco, 17-20 November 2008

Book Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring in the plenary session
Presentación del Libro
Reconceptualizar la Seguridad en el Siglo XXI

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring in the session on
gender, territory and equity

El Papel de las Mujeres en el
Desarrollo Territorial Sustentable

Universidad Nacional Pedagógica - National Pedagogical University:
Mexico City, 10-11 November 2008

Exclusión y Discriminación aumentan la Vulnerabilidad Social
Seguridad Humana, Ambiental y de Género incrementan la Equidad

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring in the plenary session:
3-6 November, Mérida, Yucatán

Cambio Climático, Conflictos e Hidropolítica en México

(17 October 2008)

Kota , Rajasthan, India, 14-15 October 2008
Reconceptualising Security in the 21st Century :
The South Asian Context

Prof. Dr. Naresh Dadhich, Vice Chancellor Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU).
with the first speaker, Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring (Mexiko)


Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring:
Richness of Philosophical, Cultural and Religious Diversity
Why Reconceptualizing of Security Matters for the South?

Book Transfer Ceremony in the Office of the
Governor of Rajasthan, H.E. Shri S.K. Singh

Prof. Dr. Naresh Dadhich, Vice Chancellor Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU). with the two speakers, Prof. Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring (Mexiko) and PD Dr. Hans Günter Brauch ( Germany)

Interview with Prof. Oswald in: Hervé Kempf
« La crise écologique, facteur croissant de migrations »,
in: Le Monde, 14 October 2008

13 October 2008

Website on this conference

Prof. Oswald Spring ( Mexico) speaking at the first Panel Discussion:

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring in the plenary session:
Gender and Regional Frames for the Processes of
Environmental Induced Migration

Presentation by Úrsula Oswald Spring in a parallel session:
Key Elements of Environmental Induced Migration:
From the Holocene to the Anthropocene

Prof. Oswald Spring ( Mexico) chairing the first Plenary session, 10 October 2008

  • Mr. Theodoros SKYLAKAKIS, Secretary General , Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs

15 August 2008

Foro Científico en el Senado de la República,
12 de Agosto de 2008, Ciudad de México

Ursula Oswald Spring

El Maíz en el Contexto del Libre Comercio y
los Cambios Climáticos y Tecnológicos en los últimos 15 Años


25 July 2008

Second World Conference on International Studies

Ljubljana , Slovenia , 23-26 July 2008
Friday, 25 July 2008, 4:30-6:00 pm, FD 02
132 Reconceptualising Security in the 21st Century: First Scientific Results

 Paper and Presentation by Ursula Oswald Spring: Security: A HUGE concept

20 July 2008

Ursula Oswald Spring:

Five Presentations during the IPRA General Conference

From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Peace

The World Social Forum and Sustainable Peace – Another World is Possible

Social Vulnerability and Gender Security: a HUGE Challenge

Social Vulnerability and Disasters in México: Challenges for Resiliencebuilding

Conciliation and the Economy of Solidarity in Campeche
with Guatemalan Refugees

15 August 2008

Foro Científico en el Senado de la República,

12 de Agosto de 2008, Ciudad de México

Ursula Oswald Spring

El Maíz en el Contexto del Libre Comercio y
los Cambios Climáticos y Tecnológicos en los últimos 15 Años


17 July 2008

Presentations at the book launch event in the

St. Michielskerk, Leuven, Belgium

14 July 2008

Ursula Oswald Spring :

Presentations for the following book launch events

14 July 2008 in Brussels

April 2008

1 April 2008, Berkeley, California, USA

University of California , Berkeley
International and Area Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies

Ursula Oswald Spring

Morning: Climate Change and Social Vulnerability from a HUGE perspective

Afternoon: Climate Change: A Gender Perspective on Global Security

March 2008

26 March 2008, San Francisco, California, USA

Ursula Oswald Spring

Paper presented at the 49 th ISA Annual Convention,
San Francisco , March 26th-29th, 2008

Deepening Security towards Human, Gender and Environmental Security:
A HUGE Concep


Presentations of the book in Mexico

Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czeslaw Mesjasz, John Grin, Pal Dunay, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, P.H. Liotta (Eds.) : Globalization and Environmental Challenges : Reconceptualizing Security in the 21 st Century . Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 3 ( Berlin – Heidelberg – New York : Springer-Verlag, 2008).

1 February 2008

Seminario Intedisciplinario Cultura y Sociedad

El hombre y su medioambiente
Secondo ciclo, coordinador : Dr. Luis Tamayo

Cambio climático y sus repercusiones 

Ursula Oswald


29-30 November 7

Congreso Nacional de la Mujer Emprendedora

Fundación 10,000 Mujeres por Morelos, A.C.

Centro de Convenciones Acapulco, Guerrero, México

El Papel de las Mujeres en el Encadenamiento Productivo

23 November 2007

Ciclo de conferencias


Úrsula Oswald Spring

Catedrática sobre Vulnerabilidad Social de las Naciones Unidas. Investigadora del Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias de la UNAM. Fue la primera Procuradora de Ecología en México. Presidenta de la Asociación Internacional de la Paz y Secretaria General del Consejo Latinoamericano de Investigación para la Paz. Ha recibido numerosos premios, entre ellos por el Mérito Ecológico, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, el Internacional de la Cuarta Década de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas, el de la Mujer Académica de la UNAM y fue Women of the Year 2000. Autora de 42 libros y más de 300 artículos científicos. Sembró más de 30 millones de árboles. Actualmente, participa en un proyecto internacional sobre nuevos conceptos de seguridad ante el cambio global.

Martes, 20 de Noviembre

Globalización, Cambio Climático, Conflictos y Seguridad

Miércoles, 21 de Noviembre

Agua, Desertifiación e Inundaciones: Vulnerabilidad y Retos Ambientales

16 November 2007:

Groundwork for a New Security Agenda

Thematic Discussion Papers

Brief Thematic Discussion paper:
Climate Change by Úrsula Oswald Spring

11.15-13.00 Working Group Climate Change

Úrsula Oswald Spring

Powerpoint presentation

Background paper

6 November, 2007

University of Mexico, Institute for Research in Anthropology (IIA-UNAM)

Energy and dissipative structures in water research
as seen from the theory of Richard N. Adam

26 October 2007

AISEC/ Instituto Nacional Politécnico-UPIICSA,
Corporate Responsibility Day
[International Student Association and National Polytechnic Institute]

Agentes de Cambio, Ética y Responsabilidad
[Agents of Change, Ethics and Responsibility]

24 October 2007

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Congreso Internacional de Contaduría,
Administración e Informática
[ National University of Mexico,
International Congress of Accounting, Administration and Information ]

Ética y Ambiente: Enfoques Interdisciplinarios
[Ethic and Environment: An Interdisciplinary Approach]

11 October 2007

Universidad Autónoma de la Cuidad de México
[University of Mexico City]

Riesgos y Amenazas Sociales , Ambientales y de Salud de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados o Transgénicos
[Social, Environmental and Health Risks and Treats of Genetic Modified Organisms]

5 October 2007

Suprema Corte de la Nación
[Supreme Court of Mexico]

Derechos Humanos y Derechos Ambientales:
Los Retos de la Superviviencia de la Humanidad y del Planeta
[Human and Environmental Rights –
Challenges for the Survival of Humankind and the Planet]

4 October 2007

IIEc-UNAM: Seminario de Economía Rural de Ernest Feder
[IIEc-UNAM. Colloqium on Rural Economy in Memory of Ernest Feder]

Desarrollo Rural, Cambio Climático y Desastres (Powerpoint)
[Rural Development, Climate Change and Disasters]

XXVII Seminario De Economía Agrícola (Octubre, 2007)
(28th Seminar on Agricultural Economy)
[IIEc-UNAM. Colloqium on Rural Economy in Memory of Ernest Feder]

Desarrollo Rural, Cambio Climático y Desastres (Paper)
[Rural Development, Climate Change and Disasters]

8 September 2007

Universidad Campesina, Unión de los Pueblos de Morelos
[Farmer’s University, People’s Union of Morelos]

Organismos Genéticamente Modificados o Transgénicos:
¿Una Amenaza a la Soberanía Alimentaria
[Genmodified Organisms or Transgenics – A Challenge for Food Sovereignty]


June 2007

Human, Gender and Environmental Security: A HUGE Concept

May 2007

Bottom-up Capacity Building: Women in Family and Business

8-11 of May, 2007, Bonn, Germany

Bottom-up Capacity Building: Women in Family and Business

Bonn Call for Action

El Movimiento Campesino ante nuevos Retos: Globalización

UNICAM: Curso de Capacitación: Módulo Retos del Dearrollo

 Cambio Climático y sus Efectos en la Agricultura Mexicana

UNICAM del Sur, Juitepec, Mor. INIFAP, 19 April 2007

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo/CIESTAAM, Posgrado

Cambio Climático, Futuro de la Agricultura y TLCAN

22 February 2007

Casa del Agrarista

Calentamiento Climático y sus Effectos en la Agricultrua Mexicana

México, D.F. 31 March 2007

21 March 2007

Universidad Autónoma Benemérita de Puebla

Cambio Climático, Desastres
Conflictos por el Agua y Soberanía Alimentaria
20 March 2007

Llamado de Mujeres Campesinas   Mujeres y campesinos en lucha por la soberanía alimentaria Esther Vivas y Xavier Montagut,
23 February 2007

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca

Paz, Seguridad, Desarrollo y Cultura
13 March 2007

Universidad Autónoma de Campeche

Cambio Climático, Futuro de la Alimentación y Adaptación
22 February 2007

Día Mundial de la Mujer
Universidad de Chapingo

Desastres, Vulnerabilidad Social y Discriminación de Género Chapingo,
18 March 2007

Palacio de Minería, Feria Internacional del Libro

Presentación del libro
¿Producción y sustentabilidad: un reto imposible? Reseña del libro de Rosario Pérez Espejo, Granjas porcinas y medio ambiente: Contaminación del agua en La Piedad. Michoacán, UNAM, SEMARNAT, PyV, México D.F. 2006
México, D.F. 24 February 2007

Senado de la República

Cambios Climáticos, Desertificación, y Soberanía Alimentaria
16 February 2007

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

Género y Soberanía Alimentaria
26 February 2007

Instituto Tecnológico de México, ITAM

Género, identidad y epistemología feminista
15 February 2007

Clark University , USA
Workshop on Cultures of Peace 2006

Human Rights, Human, Gender and Environmental Security
14-15 October 2006

Simposio Internacional sobre Desertificación y Migración
Almería, España, 25-27 de Octubre de 2006

El papel de la mujer en la megalópolis y los suburbios marginales. Seguridad humana, de género y ambiental (HUGE) con ordenamiento territorial, cooperación, desarrollo y gestación de resiliencia como respuestas políticas ante el cambio climático y la desertificación 

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Escasez del agua, cambio climático, calentamiento global, proyecciones en el mundo, América Latina y Argentina
November 2006

Congreso Interdiscipliario de Negociación, Globalización y Ética. Responsabilidad Social Empresaria, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Problemas Éticos en Conflictos Ambientales
November 2006

Administración y Gestión Responsable del Agua
November 2006

Universidad De Las Américas, Puebla

Riesgos, Desastres, Vulnerabilidad Social y Género
October 2006

Cocoyoc, Morelos
Encuentro Universitario del Agua en la Búsqueda de Orientaciones Estratégicas

Agua: Eficiencia y Equidad
October 2006

International Disaster Reduction Conference, Davos, Switzerland

Risks, resilience, gender and disasters in Mexico
31 August 2006

International Congress of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA), Calgary, Canada

World Social Fora and Food Sovereignty

30 July 2006

Water Conflicts in Mexico: The Río Bravo between United States of America and Mexico: A Case for Hydro-Diplomacy
28 July 2007

Peace Research in Latin America: CLAIP
29 July 2007

Consejo Latinoamericano De Investigación Para La Paz (CLAIP) ,

Informe 2004-2006
Secretaría General de CLAIP
28 July 2006, Calgary, Canada

Universidad Autónoma de Morelos

Culturas De Paz En Un Contexto De Globalización Excluyente
July 2006

Seminario Internacional sobre Globalización y Bioética, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, México, D.F.

Paz y Seguridad en un Mundo Globalizado
1 June 2006

Palacio de Minería

Políticas ante Desastres Naturales
June 2006

El Colegio de Tlaxcala, Dirección General de Ecología

Presentación del libro
El Valor del Agua:
Una Visión Socioeconómica de un Conflicto Ambiental
Tlaxcala, June 2006

Palacio de Minería

Políticas de Alimentación
June 2006

Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

Conflictos Por la Escasez y Contaminación del Agua en México
March 2006

El Colegio de Tlaxcala, A.C.

Globalización, Geopolítica, Organización Mundial de Comercio y Altermundismo
18 January 2006


November 2006

Training Course on  the Role of Genebanks in Promoting the Use of Agricultural Biodiversity to Combat Desertification from 27 November – 7 December 2006 in Cairo, and El Arish, Sinai, Egypt
27 November – 7 December 2006

Organised by: Desert Research Centre (DRC), Cairo, Egypt  in cooperation with Biodiversity International, Rome

Sponsored by: the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation  and the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prof. Dr.
Úrsula Oswald Spring

Hazard Prone Regions due to
Desertification and New Security  Concepts Combining
Top-down and Bottom-up Response Strategies

Prof. Oswald’s Experiment in Food Sovereignty
Learning from Indigenous Knowledge in Mexico
Introducing the Cactus as a new Source of Food to Egyp

New DRC Station in Western Sinai at the Peace Canal that brings water from the Nile to the Sinai to settle 3 million Egyptians there.

October 2006

Her Majesty the Queen of Spain and the speaker, 25 October 2006, Almeria

International Symposium Desertification and Migration
Almeria , Spain, 25-27 October 2006

Member of the Scientific Committee

Conclusions and Lectures

Official Conclusions of the Symposium (English)

El papel de la mujer en la megalópolis y los suburbios marginales.
Respuestas políticas: ordenamiento territorial y cooperación para el desarrollo (Abstract)

El Rol de las Mujeres en la Megalópolis y Áreas Deprimidas: Estrategias de Supervivencia (Powerpoint)

El papel de la mujer en la megalópolis y los suburbios marginales. Seguridad humana, de género y ambiental (HUGE) con ordenamiento territorial, cooperación, desarrollo y gestación de resiliencia como respuestas  políticas  ante el cambio climático y la desertificación (Scientific Paper)

Oral Presentation by Hans Günter Brauch

Text of Scientific Paper by Hans Günter Brauch

Website of Organisers
English, Spanish, French

Press Reaction to this Symposium

Press Release of the Royal Palace, October 2006

Press release of the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, 25 October 2006

Press Reaction collected by Universidad of Almeria

ABC, 26 October 2006
El Mundo, 26 October 2006
Ideal, 26 October 2006
Expansion, 26 October 2006
Diario de Almeria, 26 October 2006
La Voz de Almeria, 26 October 2006
Noticias Television, RT1, 25 October 2006

Spanish Press Reaction on the proposal for the Creation of a Centre of Research on Desertification and Migration in Almeria

Ideal de Almeria, 26 October 2006
Noticias Ya.Com, 26 October
Ideal, 26 October
La Voz de Almeria, 26 October
La Andalucia Investiga, 3 November 2006

Spanish and Mexican press reaction on the proposal of a
Spanish-Mexican-German cooperation
in the fight against Desertification

El Periodico de Mexico, 27 October 2006
Almeria Verde
Terra Actualidad, 27 October 2006

German Press Reaction

Abschluss des Internationalen Jahres der Wüstenbekämpfung

The International Year to Combat Desertification Ends

UNU-EHS and Munich Re Foundation
Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability
23-29 July 2006, Castle Hohenkammer, Germany

Photo by Oliver Jung © MunichRe Foundation

Prof. Dr. Janos Bogardi (UNU-EHS director),
Prof. Dr. Tony Oliver-Smith (UNU-EHS MunichRe chair 2007-2008),
Prof. Ursula Oswald-Spring (UNU-EHS MunichRe chair 2005-2006),
Dr. Tom Downing (UNU-EHS MunichRe chair2008-2009);
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Bohle (UNU-EHS MunichRe chair 2006-2007),
Mr. Thomas Loster, Munich Re foundation; Dr. Koko Warner, UNU-EHS

Keynote Addresses by

Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring
UNU-EHS Munich Re Chair (2005-2006)

Gender, Vulnerability and Resilience Building in
Extreme Hydro-meteorological Events

For a shorter version of this keynote speech please press here:

Access to all presentations at the Summer Academy:

Joint poster presentation with Hans Günter Brauch

Third International Conference on Early Warning (EWC III): From Concept to Action
Bonn, 27-29 March 2006

Mainstreaming Early Warning of Hazards and Conflics

Prof. Oswald explains the joint poster to Mr Juan del Granado Cosio, Lord Mayor of the City of La Paz

Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico: Local Action for Global Change
Mexico City, Mexico, 16-22 March 2006

Programme of two sessions:

The Conflict of Río Bravo between United States of America and Mexico: A case for Hydro-Diplomacy

UNU-EHS Workshop, Yautepec, Morelos, México, 13-15 March 2006

Social Vulnerability and Resilience
Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean:
Case Studies on USA, Mexico, Cuba and in Central America

Hydro-diplomacy and conflict resolution

6-17 February 2006,
NATO Advanced Study Institute,
Arrava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel

Joint lecture programme with Hans Günter Brauch on
7 February 2006

Water Security and Desertification

Globalization, Hydro-Diplomacy, Cooperation and Peace

Lectures by Hans Günter Brauch

Reconceptualising Security: Concepts and PEISOR Model on Global Environmental Change, Effects & Impacts

Environmental Challenges to Security & Survival in the Mediterranean and Middle East

Cooperative Opportunities: Addressing Environmental Security Challenges on Water, Soil, Food and Energy


27-29 January 2006, Iserlohn

Ver-Wüstungen und Tsunamis
Politik und Praxis für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit unseren Lebensgrundlagen


18 January, El Colegio de Tlaxcala, A.C.

Globalización, geopolítica, organización mundial de comercio y altermundismo


12-18 December 2005, WTO, Hong Kong

14 December 2005: Citizens Vote for GMO Free Food

Bing Gong at the Hong Kong WTO (Part 2)

Additional Photos

25 November 2005, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MorelosGénero, Medio Ambiente y Violencia

Powerpoint presentation: Género y Sustentabilidad

24 November 2005, Tlaxcala,

Keynote Speech to PhD Students of El Colegio de Posgraduados, Campus Puebla and El Colegio de Tlaxcala:Recursos Naturales, Cambio Climático, Tratados Comerciales y Vulnerabilidad Socio-Ambiental

23 November 2005, Tlaxcala, Coordinación General de Ecología,

Presentation of the book:
El valor del agua: una visión socioeconómica de un conflicto ambiental

16-17 November 2005, MunichRe Foundation
International Symposium
"Worldwide disaster prevention - awareness is the key"
Schloss Hohenkammer/ Munich, Germany

Programme and Documents

Keynote speech, Úrsula Oswald Spring
Gender Vulnerability, Risk Prevention and Resilience Building

9 November 2005, Brussels

European Parliament, WIDE, Friends of the Earth,
Heinrich Boell Foundation: The EU Responsibility at the WTO:
Environment, Gender and Development

24-28 October 2005, Puebla, ", II Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente

Peligros, riesgos, vulnerabilidades y desastres por el agua desde una perspectiva de género

24 October 2005, Tlaxcala, El Colegio del Tlaxcala

Resultados Obtenidos en la Investigación: Valor del Agua

19 October 2005, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México

Tercer Seminario Internacional Desempleo, familia y masculinidad

Auditorio del Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias/UNAM

Presentation: Masculinidad , identidad de género y altermundismo

9-13 October 2005, Bonn, Germany

Fifth AFES-PRESS Workshop on Reconceptualising Security
at the Sixth Open Meeting of the
Global Environmental Change Research Community
Bonn, Germany, October 9-13, 2005
"Gobal Environmental Change, Globalization and International Security"

12-14 October 2005, Bonn, Germany

UNU-EHS "Measuring the Unmeasurable"
2nd UNU-EHS Expert Working Group Meeting

4 October 2005, Centro de Estudio GEO, Conferencia Magistral

Hidrodiplomacia, Seguridad Humana y Ambiental: un Paradigma Alternativo ante los Conflictos del Agua

5-7 September 2005, Jiutepec, Taller Nacional Preparatorio al IV Foro Mundial del Agua, IMTA

México ante el Reto de la Seguridad Humana y Ambiental: Hidrodiplomacia en Tiempos Posmodernos

August 2005, Istanbul

Fourth AFES-PRESS Workshop on Reconceptualising Security:
"Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks"
at the
First World International Studies Conference (WISC) at
Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 24- 27 August 2005:

10 May 2005, Bonn, Bundestag Conference Centre

UNCCD Third Session of the Committee for the Review of
the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 3):
Global Interactive Dialogue (GID)


10 October 2004, Universidad La Salle, Cuernavaca

Investigación participativa en sociedades de riesgo

September 2004

3rd AFES-PRESS Workshop on Reconceptualising Security at the Fifth Pan-European Conference, Netherlands Congress Centre,
The Hague, September 9-11, 2004,
Constucting World Orders, Section 31

Opening Session, 8 September 1004, 19.15-20.15

Friday, 10 September 2004
Panel 5: Environmental and Human Security Issues in North Africa and in Latin America

5-10 July 2004

2nd AFES-PRESS Workshop on Reconceptualising Security
at the 20th IPRA Conference in SOPRON (Hungary), 5-9 July 2004

Session 1: Tuesday, 6 July 2004 14:00 - 15:30 Water and Security

Academic Papers


Oswald, Úrsula y M. de Lourdes Hernández (2005). El Valor del Agua. Una Visión Socioeconómica de un Conflicto Ambiental; Coedición El Colegio de Tlaxcala, SEFOA/Tlaxcala y CONACYT, ISBN: 970-9871-07-2

Oswald, Úrsula (1st ed. 2003, 2nd ed. 2005). El recurso Agua en El Alto Balsas; Coedición CGE/Tlaxcala, IGF, CRIM/UNAM, Fundación Böll y El Colegio de Tlaxcala, ISBN 968-36-9427-6

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