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1.1 AFES-PRESS Research projects funded by the
Berghof-Foundation on Conflict and Peace Research

AFES-PRESS Research projects funded by the Berghof-Foundation on Conflict and Peace Research The Berghof Foundation on Conflict and Peace Research was founded in 1972 by one heir of the Bosch family in Stuttgart. It is a not for profit foundation that supports both theoretical and empirical research with a practical interest with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary research that involve both natural and social scientists. So far, the Berghof Foundation on Conflict and Peace Research has funded the following three projects:

Destabilising Strategic Weapons Technologies (1983-87)

This project was administered by the Institute of Political Science at Stuttgart University. Since 1983 the recipient organised a weekly seminar on: Peace Research and European security studies. This working group resulted in the foundation of the scientific society AFES-PRESS in September 1987.

Brief Project Description

On the background of the rearmament efforts of the Reagan Administration during the second cold war, this project focused on selected strategic weapons technologies: e.g. on weapons of mass destruction (atomic, biological, chemical warheads), on intercontinental bombers and missiles (ICBM. SLBM), on antiballistic missile defence systems (BMD and SDI), on Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence (C3I) and on space-based weapons systems (anti-satellite systems) that contributed to a destabilisation of the prevailing strategic arms control regime and of the achievements of the 1970s (especially of the SALT I, ABM Treaty, Outer Space Treaty).

The project resulted in these outputs and spin-offs:

  • Publications
  • Teaching of courses [Lehre]
  • Counselling of MA-theses
  • Lectures at Presentations at International Conferences [Konferenzen]
  • Foundation of the IPRA Study Group on Weapons Technology and Disarmament

Project Output: Publications

  • Hans Günter Brauch - Duncan L. Clarke (Eds..): Decision making for Arms Limitation - Assessments and Prospects (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1983) with a preface by Paul C. Warnke.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Star Wars and European Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987).
  • Rip Bulkeley - Hans Günter Brauch: The Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty and World Security.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: Europäische Verteidigungsinitiative [European Defence Initiative].
  • Hans Günter Brauch: Antitactical Missile Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the ABM Treaty?
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Rainer Fischbach: Militärische Nutzung des Weltraums. Eine Bibliographie [Military Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography].
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Rainer Fischbach: Military Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen und Europäische Abrüstungskonferenz. Analysen, Dokumente und Vorschläge [Confidence Building Measures and European Disarmament Conference. Analyses, Documents and Proposals].
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.): Chemische Kriegführung - Chemische Abrüstung. Dokumente und Kommentare [Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and Comments] (Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz, 1985).
  • Hans Günter Brauch: Angriff aus dem All. Der Rüstungswettlauf im Weltraum [Attack from Space. Arms Competition in Outer Space] (Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz, 1984).
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Kernwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle. Ein interdisziplinäres Studienbuch [Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control. An interdisciplinary study book] (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1984).
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Hrsg./Ed.): Sicherheitspolitik am Ende? Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Perspektiven und neue Ansätze [Security Policy at a Dead End? An Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches] (Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag, 1984).

Besides these books and reports, many book chapters and journal articles were published based on the research conducted in the context of this project.

Teaching at Stuttgart University, Institute for Political Science

Legend: SS: summer semester; WS: winter semester; L: lecture; U: undergraduate seminar/course; S: graduate seminar; C: Colloquy; SG: study group.
SS 1981 Arms Control - Theory and Practice - Topical cases (U, S)
WS 81/82 Fundamental problems of security policy - Deterrence and defense (U, S)
SS 1982 Détente policy in Europe - Theory and practice of détente (U, S)
WS 82/83 Introduction into American foreign policy (L)
Basic problems of American foreign policy: US policy towards the USSR (1969-198O) (U, S)
SS 1983 Problems of European security and disarmament (L)
Outer space as a problem of international relations (U, S)
WS 83/84 Problems of European peace and security (L)
Foreign policy of the EC: EPC and Euro - Arab dialogue (U, S)
Topical and theoretical problems of international politics (C)
SS 1984 Foreign policy of the EC (II): EC - ASEAN and EC - Latin America (U, S)
Problems of European peace and security: Europeanization (L)
Topical and theoretical problems of international politics (C)
WS 84/85 Problems of European peace and security: Strategy and weapons technology (L)
The Oceans as a problem of international relations (U, S)
Topical and theoretical problems of international politics (C)
SS 1985 Theoretical approaches to international relations (L)
Introduction to the study of international relations (U, S)
Peace research and European security policy (SG)
The oceans as a problem of international relations (SG)
WS 85/86 ASEAN-countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (U, S)
Regionalism and inter-regionalism - EC and ASEAN (L)
Peace research and European security policy (SG)
The oceans as a problem of international relations (SG)
SS 1986 War and peace (S with 6 tutorials on the following topics: 1) Theory of war (C. von Clausewitz), 2) Theory of deterrence, 3) Theory of armament dynamics, 4) Theory of unintended war, 5) Problems of weapons technology, 6) Theories of peace, 7) Introduction into arms control policy with a special focus on problems of stability (L)
Peace research and European security policy (SG)
Problems of international politics (C)
WS 86/87 Peace research and European security policy: international crises: Berlin, Cuba, Yom Kippur, Afghanistan (SG)
SS 1987 Peace research and European security policy: crisis management and prevention (SG)

MA Theses at Stuttgart University

  • Judith Zahn: Frankreichs Verteidigungspolitik [Defence Policy of France].
  • Dagmar Trefz: Deutsch-französische Verteidigungskooperation. Chancen und Handlungsspielräume [German-French Defence Cooperation. Opportunities and Scope for Action].
  • Herbert Beck: Verifying the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention. A Cost Analysis.
  • Martin Geugis: Waffentechnik und das Konzept strategischer Stabilität. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der strategischen C3I-Systeme der USA [Weapons Technology and the Concept of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems].
  • Ilse Rosenschild: Antisatellitenwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle [Anti-satellite Weapons and Arms Control].
  • Rolf Armbrust: Anti-U-Boot-Kriegführung und strategische Stabilität [Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic Stability].
  • Uwe J. Reinhardt: Meeresumweltpolitik Internationale und europäische Umweltpolitik und die Rolle von UN und EG im Mittelmeer [Environmental Policy of the Seas. International and European Environmental Policy and the Role of the UN and EC in the Mediterranean].
  • Silke B. Szichta: Island im Spannungsfeld zwischen Einbringung seiner Lage als politisches Faustpfand und seiner Fischereipolitik [Iceland: Its Geographic Position as a Political Bargaining Chip and Its Fishing Policy].

Lectures at Presentations at International Conferences

Foundation of the IPRA Study Group on Weapons Technology and Disarmament

During the IPRA conference in Sussex in April 1986, Hans Günter Brauch founded the IPRA Study group on Weapons Technology and Disarmament. He organised three commissions at the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) conferences in:

  • 1986: Sussex, UK
  • 1988: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1990: Groningen, Netherlands

These meetings resulted in one volume published by Macmillan and in a series of occasional papers of the Study Group.

Armament Dynamics and East-West Conflict in the Nuclear Age (1988-93)

This project was administered by the Institute of Political Science at Heidelberg University (January 1988 - September 1989) and afterwards by AFES-PRESS.

Brief Project Description

This project focused both on theoretical approaches of armaments dynamics and on arms control and on empirical analyses with a primary focus on the United States and a minor emphasis on the Soviet Union. The project was interrupted from fall of 1989 until September 1992 due to a guest professorship at the Johan Wolfgang Goethe University at Frankfurt on Main. The project was completed with a study that was submitted as a habilitation that was unanimously accepted at the Free University of Berlin. During the work at this project the international context fundamentally changed with the end of the Cold War.

The project resulted in these outputs and spin-offs:

  • Publications
  • Teaching of courses
  • Counselling of MA-theses
  • Lectures at Presentations at International Conferences
  • Foundation of the IPRA Study Group on Weapons Technology and Disarmament

Project Output: Publications

  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989).
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: Crane Russak, 1993).
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control. Policy in the 1990s. The Results of the Seventh AFES-PRESS Conference. Abstracts and Discussions.
  • Hans Günter Brauch, Henny J. van der Graaf, John Grin, Wim A. Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Confidence-Building, Verification and Conversion. Contributions to the First Pan-European Conference on International Relations in Heidelberg, September 1992.
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.): Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe II. From Vienna 1990 to Vienna 1992.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Evaluation of ATBM Defense.
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.): Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe. From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document.
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: Crane Russak, 1992).
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Weapons Technology, Disarmament and Verification. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 1.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Institutionelle Bausteine einer gesamteuropäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur [Institutional Elements for a Pan-European Security Architecture].
  • Hans Günter Brauch: The New Europe and Non-Offensive Defense Concepts. Implications for Military Force Planning of United Germany.
  • Horst Afheldt, Hans Günter Brauch, Malcolm Chalmers, Jonathan Dean (Eds.): German Unity and the Future European Order of Peace and Security.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control. Implications for European Security. Part II: Selected Papers.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control - Implications for European Security. Part I: Abstracts and Discussions.
  • Hans Günter Brauch - Robert Kennedy (Eds.): Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London: Crane Russak, 1990).
  • Hans Günter Brauch: Chemical Warfare and Chemical Arms Control.
  • Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Military Doctrine and Arms Control. Selected presentations and Statements at the 5th AFES-PRESS Conference - Militärdoktrin und Rüstungskontrolle. Ausgewählte Vorträge und Stellungnahmen der 5. AFES-PRESS Konferenz.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: 30 Thesen und 10 Bewertungen zur Strategischen Verteidigungsinitiative (SDI) und zur Europäischen Verteidigungsinitiative (EVI) [30 Hypotheses and 10 Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI)].
  • Hans Günter Brauch: Globaler Strukturbruch, Systemtransformation und kein nationaler Strukturwandel: Rüstungs- und Abrüstungspolitik in den amerikanisch-sowjetischen Beziehungen 1981-1992, Habilschrift, 1993 (unpublished).

Project Output: Book Chapters - Journal Articles

Besides these books and reports, many book chapters and journal articles were published based on the research conducted in the context of this project.

Teaching (1988-1993)

During this project, Hans Günter Brauch taught several undergraduate courses at Heidelberg university (1988-1991) and undergraduate and graduate courses as a guest professor at Frankfurt University and at the Teacher's Training College in Erfurt.

Lectures and Conference Presentations (1988-1993)

Counselling and Publication of MA & Diploma Theses
Heidelberg University

  • Frank Nicolay: SDI-Raketenabwehrsysteme [SDI - Missile Defence Systems].
    Christoph M. Kunkel: Amerikanische Außenpolitik in den 90er Jahren. Hegemonialer Abstieg oder neue Weltführungsrolle? [American Foreign Policy in the 1990s. Hegemonial Decline or a New World Power Role].

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt on Main

  • Andreas Maurer: Die Sozialistische Partei Frankreichs und die Sicherheit Europas [The Socialist Party of France and European Security].
  • Jürgen Mechler: Das amerikanische Binärwaffenprogramm. Chemische Waffen: Technologie und Politik [The American Binary Weapon Programme Chemical Weapons: Technology and Politics].
  • Marc Weißgerber: Der Abzug der amerikanischen Truppen aus Rheinland-Pfalz. Probleme einer regionalen Konversion [Withdrawal of American Troops from Rhineland-Palatinate. Problems of a Regional Conversion].

International Scientific Activities

During this project, the recipient served in the following international scientific functions:

  • since 1990 member of the Advisory Board of the UNESCO Studies on Peace and Conflict in Paris;
  • from July 1992 to 1996 member of the Council of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA);
  • from 1990 to 1993 member of the Governing Board of the International Security Studies Section (ISSS) of the International Studies Association (ISA);
  • from 1986 to December 1991 Chairman of the Weapons Technology and Disarmament or (1990-1991) of the Defense and Disarmament Study Group of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA);
  • From 1981 to 1994 member of the Board of Editorial Advisers of the Arms Control Reporter, Institute for Defense & Disarmament Studies, USA 1981-1994);
  • since 1987 chairman of AFES-PRESS, an international nonprofit scientific society on peace research and European security studies.

Arms Policy after the Turn. Looking to 2020
(18 months: January 2001 - 2004)

Brief Project Description

The decisions which we make today in the fields of science ad technology determine the tactics, then the strategy, and finally the politics of tomorrow.
Lord Solly Zuckermann, 1966, 1989

This project will result in one German monograph. This project focuses at present military research and development projects that may result in new weapons projects that may be produced by 2010 and deployed by 2020. While the focus will be primarily on developments in the United States of America, it also covers developments in the four other permanent member countries of the UN Security Council: Russia, China, France and United Kingdom as well as on Germany and Japan. In looking into the future, the project will focus both at future global trends as seen by the strategists and at technological forecasting by the technologists. Based on a theoretical interpretation of armament policy after the turn its practical goal is to focus at new weapons research and procurement projects that could undercut political efforts at constraining (arms control) and reducing (disarmament) future armament dynamics. It aims at a prognostic early warning system.

Old Publications on the Theme of the New Project

All publications that will emerge from this project will be listed here after they have been completed. The list includes a few publications that preceded the project but that are of direct relevance.

  • Hans Günter Brauch, H.J. van der Graaf, John Grin und Wim Smit (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Military Technology Assessment and Preventive Arms Control: Institutions, Procedures and Institutions", in: Hendrik Bullens, Seiitsu Tachibana (Eds.) with the assistance of Wayne Reynolds, Restructuring Security Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 9, (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1997): 147-152.
  • Hans Günter Brauch, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Björn Möller: "Controlling weapons in the quest for peace: Non-offensive defence, arms control, disarmament, and conversion", in: Chadwick F. Alger (Ed.): The Future of the United Nations System: Potential for the Twenty-first Century (Tokyo - New York - Paris: United Nations University Press, 1998): 15-53.
  • Hans Günter Brauch, Henk van de Graaf, John Grin, Wim Smit: Militärtechnikfolgenabschätzung und präventive Rüstungskontrolle, Institutionen, Verfahren und Instrumente (Münster: Lit, 1997).
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Abrüstungspolitik zwischen Sicherheits- und Überlebensdilemma", in Egbert Jahn (Ed.): Krieg und Frieden im Jahr 2041 (OO: Verlag, 2001), i.p.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Der Mittelmeerraum jenseits von Globalisierung und Geopolitik, Plädoyer für einen geoökologischen Ansatz der Konfliktvermeidung", in: Erich Reiter (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2001 (Hamburg - Berlin - Bonn, 2001), i.p.

Project Output since 2001

Here you will find publications emerging from this project that started in January 2001:·

  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Abrüstungspolitik zwischen Sicherheits- und Überlebensdilemma", in: Sahm, Astrid; Sapper, Manfred; Weichsel, Volker (Eds.): Die Zukunft des Friedens. Eine Bilanz der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002): 307-334.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Disarmament", in: Helmut Volger (Ed:): Encyclopaedia of the United Nations (Dordrecht - Boston - London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002): 82-99.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Beharrliches Treten auf der Stelle", in: Vereinte Nationen, Vol. 49, 2 (2001): 63.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Anhaltende Blockade", in: Vereinte Nationen, Vol. 50,2 (2002): 67.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Ungelöste Universalität", in: Vereinte Nationen, Vol. 50,2 (2002): 67-68.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Vergebliche Vorarbeit", in: Vereinte Nationen, Vol. 50,2 (2002): 68-69.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Kostengünstige Minen", in: Vereinte Nationen, Vol. 50,2 (2002): 69-70.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "National Missile Defence Programmes and Debates in the United States on the Mediterranean: An Assessment", in: Hans Günter Brauch, P.H. Liotta, Antonio Marquina, Paul Rogers, Mohammed Selim (Eds.): Security and Environment in the Mediterranean. Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer 2003): 369-410.·
  • Hans Günter Brauch: "War Impacts on the Environment in the Mediterranean and Evolution of International Law", in: Hans Günter Brauch, P.H. Liotta, Antonio Marquina, Paul Rogers, Mohammed Selim (Eds.): Security and Environment in the Mediterranean. Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer 2003): 489-512

On this website: Virtual Library and Links

Relevant publications on the theme of the new project will be posted on the virtual library and in the links for: Peace Research and Security Policy.


Last updated 24.05.2003 by the webmaster

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