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Publications by AFES-PRESS Board members on Mediterranean issues (1994-2000)

 Articles and book chapters on security and defence  issues

  • Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; John Grin: “Theoretical and conceptual notions of security perception - their relevance for security policy in the Mediterranean region”, in: Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Mutual Perceptions in the Mediterranean, Collection Strademed (Madrid: UNISCI, PARIS: Publisud, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1998): 1-33.
  • Bjørn Møller: “Security Concepts: New Challenges and Risks”, in: Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (eds.), Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance (Madrid: UNISCI; Mosbach: AFES PRESS, 1994): 3-49.
  • Bjørn Møller: “Non-Offensive Defence in the Middle East”, in: Bjørn Møller; Gustav Däniker; Shmuel Limone; Ioannis A. Stivachitis (Eds.): Non-Offensive Defence in the Middle East? (Geneva: UNIDIR, 1998).

Monographs and readers on CBMs and partnership building

  • John Grin, "Confidence Building Beyond Cultural, Ideological and Disciplinary Differences. Technology Assessment as a Hermeneutic Dialogue", in: Antonio Marquina and Hans Günter Brauch (eds.), Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance (Madrid: UNISCI; Mosbach: AFES PRESS, 1994): 149-182.
  • Antonio Marquina¸ Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance, UNISCI Paper 1, AFES-PRESS Report No. 51 (Madrid: UNISCI and Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994).
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Confidence (and Security) Building Measures. Lessons from the CSCE Experience for the Western Mediterranean”, in: Antonio Marquina; Hans Günter Brauch (Eds): Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance, UNISCI Paper 1,  AFES-PRESS Report No. 51 (Madrid: UNISCI and Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994): 185-228.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Partnership Building Measures for Conflict Prevention in the Western Mediterranean”, in: Antonio Marquina; Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean. Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Avoidance, AFES-PRESS Report No. 51 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994): 257-324.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Tolerance Furthering Measures as a political tool of confidence-building between Europe and North Africa”, Paper presented at III Encuentro Euro-Arab de Toledo, 24-26 Octubre 1994.
  • Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.) with the assistance of Peter Liotta: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century (London: Macmillan - New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000).
  • Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad: “Introduction: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century”, in: Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.) with the language assistance of Peter Liotta: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century (London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000): 3-25.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “From Confidence to Partnership Building Measures in Europe and the Mediterranean: Conceptual and Political Efforts Revisited”, in: Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.) with the language assistance of Peter Liotta: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century (London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000): 27-58.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Partnership Building Measures to Deal with Long-term Non-military Challenges Affecting North-South Security Relations”, in: Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.) with the language assistance of Peter Liotta: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century (London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000): 281-318.
  • Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad: “Beyond Stuttgart: Prospects for Confidence and Partnership Building Measures in Euro-Mediterranean Relations for the 21st Century”, in: Hans Günter Brauch; Antonio Marquina; Abdelwahab Biad (Eds.) with the language assistance of Peter Liotta: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the 21st Century (London: Macmillan - New York: St.Martin's Press, 2000): 319-350.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Environmental Degradation as Root Causes of Migration: Desertification and Climate Change. Long-Term Causes of Migration from North Africa to Europe”, in: Peter Friedrich (Eds.): Proceedings of the 11th summer institute on “Theory and Policy of Regional Competition” (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2000) (i.p.)
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Euro-Mediterrane Partnerschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Langfristige Herausforderungen an die Mittelmeerpolitik der EU”, in: Erich Reiter (Eds.): Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2000 (Hamburg - Berlin - Bonn: Mittler, 2000).

Monographs and readers on energy policy

Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Energiepolitik - Technische Entwicklung, politische Strategien, Handlungskonzepte zu erneuerbaren Energien und zur rationellen Energienutzung (Heidelberg: Springer, 1997).

Hans Günter Brauch: Energy Policy in North Africa (1950-2050): From Hydrocarbon to Renewables, UNISCI Papers 11-12 (Madrid: UNISCI/Marcial Pons, 1997).

Gerhard Knies, Gregor Czisch, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Regenerativer Strom für Europa durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1999).

Chapters in books and journals on energy policy

  • Hans Günter Brauch: “What Happens When the Maghreb Runs Out of Oil?”, in: European Brief, Band 3, No. 2 (Februar 1996): S. 51-53.
  • Hans Günter Brauch:“Energieoptionen für eine langfristige Nord-Süd-Energiepartnerschaft im westlichen Mittelmeer”, in: Brauch. H.G. (Eds.): Energiepolitik - Technische Entwicklung, politische Strategien, Handlungskonzepte zu erneuerbaren Energien und zur rationellen Energienutzung (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, 1996): 487-506.
  • Hans Günter Brauch:“Energy Interdependence in the Western Mediterranean - The Potential for Cooperation in the Development of Renewable Energy Sources”, in: Mediterranean Politics, Bd. I, H.3 (London: Cass, 1997): 295-319.
  • Hans Günter Brauch:“Energy Partnership in the Mediterranean: The Medium and Long - Term Potential of Renewable Energy”, in: Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Les Elites et le Processus de Changement dans la Méditerranée - Elites and Change in the Mediterranean Collection Strademed (Madrid, UNISCI, 1997): 173-213.
  • Hans Günter Brauch:“Sustainable Energy Policy of the European Union Between Market Lieberalisation and Environmental Obligations” in: Antonio Marquina; Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean (Madrid: UNISCI, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 2000):
  • Hans Günter Brauch:“Zum Import erneuerbarer Energien nach Deutschland. Vorschläge an politische Entscheidungsträger”, in: Gerhard Knies; Gregor Czisch; Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Regenerativer Strom für Europa durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1999): 149-162.

Chapters in books and journals on environment policy and long-term challenges

Hans Günter Brauch:“Long-Term Security Challenges to the Survival of the North African Countries: Population Growth, Urbanisation, Soil Erosion, Water Scarcity, Food Production Deficits and Impact of Climate Change (2000-2050)”, in: Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Mutual Perceptions in the Mediterranean, Collection Strademed (Madrid: UNISCI, PARIS: Publisud, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1998): 35-124.

Hans Günter Brauch:“Policy Recommendations for dealing with Long-Term Security Challenges to the Survival of the North African Countries: Population Growth, Urbanisation, Soil Erosion, Water Scarcity, Food Production Deficits and Impact of Climate Change (2000-2050)”, in: Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Mutual Perceptions in the Mediterranean, Collection Strademed (Madrid: UNISCI, PARIS: Publisud, Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1998): 335-350.

Chapters in books and journals on migration issues

  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Migration von Nordafrika nach Europa”, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, August 1997: 56-61.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “La emigración como desafio para las relaciones internacionales y como área de cooperación Norte-Sur en el proceso de Barcelona”, in: Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Flujos Migratorios Norteafricanos Hacia La Union Europea. Asociacion y Diplomacia Preventiva (Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, 1997): 17-90.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Causas a largo plazo de las migraciones desde el Norte de Africa a los países de la Unión Europea. El Factor Demográfico”, in: Antonio Marquina (Ed.): Flujos Migratorios Norteafricanos Hacia La Union Europea. Asociacion y Diplomacia Preventiva (Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, 1997): 241-333.
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Environmental Degradation as Root Causes of Migration: Desertification and Climate Change. Long-Term Causes of Migration from North Africa to Europe”, in: Peter Friedrich (Ed.): Theory and Policy of Regional Competition” (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2000). (i.p.)
  • Hans Günter Brauch: “Langfristige Ursachen der Migration aus dem Maghreb nach Europa: Bevölkerungswachstum und ökologische Herausforderungen”, in: Michaela Koller, Klaus Lange (Hrsg.): Migration aus Nordafrika. Reihe Studien des Instituts für Afrikanische und Internationale Studien: (München: Ars Nova, June 2000).

Last updated 25.06.2000 by the webmaster

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